Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Terrific Tuesday

The stock market is back up.

My new interview is available at Smashwords.

Where are our Children is free on Amazon for a few hours longer.

Sapp's Monthly is available for pre-order on Amazon as well.

All Along the Watchtower should be available Tuesday on Smashwords and other outlets throughout next week.

This is the first of my Short Stories of Fiction that will be published weekly via Smashwords and its family of retail outlets. Each story will then be featured in a four or five anthology collection that bares my name: Sapp Monthly.  

Oh yea, I got some much needed sleep this morning.

Sometimes the world is a beautiful place to live in.

Till next time...

No Rules. Just Write.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Another Round

Another round of free downloads of Where are our Children is coming on Amazon on 8-25-15. Anyone looking for a chance to catch the entire in one epic volume should venture over there next week during the 24 hours or so that it will be available there.

I'm still debating what exactly to publish next. I have three separate ideas but have yet to make my mind up about which direction I will go.

I know that I haven't published on this blog in a while. It didn't just make sense to go on and on endlessly about where I wanted to go next in my writing.

Anyway, I will keep you guys up to date as September gets closer.

No rules. Just Write.

Friday, July 31, 2015

A Friday Like No Other

Just a quick posting before bed tonight.

I actually made a hand full of sales of Where are our Children: Complete and Uncut over in the UK on Amazon. Thanks 2 those folks who took the leap of faith and dove into that story that comes from the depths of my heart and soul. I hope you enjoyed it.

Empire's fall has made a much more modest start on Smashwords but that was not totally unexpected. My sports articles seem to do best on ITunes and on Google.

Anyway, I'm finalizing how I want my future fiction entry's to look. My goal is for every release to mirror the others. I'm working on it.

No Rules. Just Write.    

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Empire's Fall: The Last Days of the NFL as we know it

My first Sports Study book in a looooooooong while has been released on Smashwords. I had a ball putting it together and I hope you have as much fun reading it.

It will be available on other E Book outlets throughout the weekend.

No Rules. Just Write.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Alpha Dog

I didn't have a whole lot to say so I didn't post yesterday.

I do have news today however.

The first draft of Empire's Fall: The Last Days of the NFL as we know it is done. I had a blast writing it. Just like the other two Sports Study articles and the ones coming I had a ball with it. Fiction is where my passion is but I love putting my opinion out there for you guys to read.

I have some real life things to do tomorrow but with a mini edit and format it should be on Smashwords tomorrow night and on ITunes (where my articles draw the most traffic) and other outlets in time for the weekend.

By the way, it was the first time that I really used my Alpha 3000 that I ordered off the internet about a year ago. What is an Alpha 3000 u ask? It is like an old school word processor in the simple design of a keyboard. This thing is to be used for writing and nothing else. It has just enough of a screen to see what you are writing, but not enough for you to constantly be editing. No word count. Guys, I typed over 4000 words in and around 4 hours. I love this thing. I give it my highest recommendation for you writers out there who fall into the common traps of using your laptop: You are distracted by surfing the net or playing games on your computer. You are distracted by your own inner voice that traps you into editing, editing, editing instead of creative voice taking control of the process.

I cannot wait to use this thing when I return to my fiction after I publish these three or four non fiction articles.

Anyway, I'll return here and announce when my latest work is available on line like I always do.

Until then...

No Rules. Just Write. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Closer

I'm closing in on starting my latest article. I could possible have it uploaded by this time next week.

Life is but a wonderful race

And i won one of the sprints.

Thanks 2 everyone who downloaded a copy of Where are our Children on Amazon during the free peorid. It is the 4th title ive featured through kdp and was by far the most sucessful. 

Its not the last time, of course, but i think i will limit future runs 2 single days though.

I still pinch myself knowing that i wrote a nearly 900 page novel. 

Anyway, back 2 writing in a day or so and  
Plotting n planning everyday.

No rules. Just write

Saturday, July 25, 2015

moving up and moving on

my three goals whenever I have an idea for a story or a article.

1. To be a storyteller. For me this means spinning a tale that makes you laugh, cry, bite your knuckles in anger or draw out some type of emotional response. I am NOT interested in being a grammar king or being literary correct. I try to copyedit the best I can, but I do every step of the publishing myself and I DO miss things. This is not an excuse it is my reality.

2. To Produce Numbers. For me this means the more stuff I have out there, the even more my other works get read.

3. To Produce Numbers(part 2). For me nothing is more fun than seeing my name and my works being downloaded on (place your favorite ebook site here). I hit a goal for Children on Amazon that I am very proud of. Would I like to be the #1  downloaded book overall on Amazon? I would. Would I like to be the #1 selling book on Amazon? Of course I would.         

Friday, July 24, 2015

Gift Wrapped

It was a wonderful day today. I enjoyed an unscheduled day off and saw a lot of my work into this writing thing come to fruition over the past 36 hours. If any of you are peeking in on my blog for the first time because of your introduction through Amazon--welcome. Thanks for your downloads. Today is already the largest download day for a single title since I've been doing this. I hope that the tale that I spun is worth your time. It is FAR from perfect but it meant a hell of a lot to me. I hope that rings through as you read about Angel, Serena, Thomas' and all the others adventures (and misadventures) in the book.

Tomorrow is a return to work and somewhat normal writing routine. I'll be doing some scattered research on my next Sports Study article.

My hope is to be writing it out by the middle of the week.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of your weekend guys and I'll check in again tomorrow.

No Rules. Just Write.  


just stopping by to let u guys know that Waiting just hit a milestone in downloads on smashwords. Now, 411 beat it to the spot but that title has had plenty of help from 8 other sister titles to push it there while Waiting has not.

That is soon to change however. (grin)

Another reminder that Where are our Children the Complete and Uncut addition will be available all day today and most of tomorrow on Amazon and it's satellite distributors for free. I encourage u guys who want the tale in one volume to take advantage of this time period.

Thanks to whoever is putting my title over at Goodreads. I love seeing that people like what I'm doing over here. Again Thanks.

I'm kicking back a little today, watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom right now (again) on Blu Ray. I got Tobey Maguire's Spiderman 3 and then Winter Solder and Avengers up on deck.

Sometimes life is good.

No Rules. Just Write.    

Project The Future is Now

After a busy few days today is a bit of a kickback one for me. Formatting a nearly 900 page Where are ourChildren was fun and exhausting. It is up for free on Amazon for all who are either new to the story or would like to read it in one volume. It has the same beginning and end as you guys who saw the series on Smashwords. The differences are that it is in true chapter format with a epigraph (like you see in all Dune or Karen Traviss books) entry at start of each chapter. I think these little quotes from characters add drama to the plot and are worth your time to read. I hope you guys enjoy owning this volume and tell your friends about it.

I finished publishing trade paperback editions of Betrayal, Scar, Tempest Rising and Whirlwind. Again, these are for me to have something in my hand of my writings. I also do them to drive traffic towards my ebooks especially the Smashwords editions.

What about the future?

I've mentioned briefly that I have a few new Sapp's Sports Study articles coming. I have four specific volumes in mind, though I'm in a small argument on which subject the last book will be about. I have covers for the first three that I'm pretty happy with. I have so very little period but when I have sold it has been my non-fiction. And these books really get reviews so I must be hitting a nerve with them. (grin) I will continue the interview Q&A format I've been using. I think it gives a reader my thoughts without the piece reading like an essay or traditional article. In fact, one of the new articles will feature three or four speakers, which I think is a interesting approach. Again, I don't consider myself a genius or someone who is doing anything innovative. I saw this format used in a couple Bleacher Report stories and I thought it was a neat approach to storytelling. That is what I want to be known as: A storyteller. In speaking of which-Fiction is a passion for me so it is what I plan to do long term, but every so often I'll publish a few of these when the subject matter (and the spirit) hits me. In truth, I'm doing these to buy myself some time to continue to set up the foundation of my long term project.

Oh yeah, in speaking of Q&A, look for a new interview session of Smashwords soon that really gets into more specifics of what is coming for me as an author. I guess it makes sense to update that about once a year.

Anyway, that is probably all for today.

No Rules. Just Write.   

Thursday, July 23, 2015


The KDP free promotion on Amazon for Where are our Children will begin 12am PST in the United States so that is 4am EST and will last for 48 hours.


No Rules. Just Write.

Going Live

Where are our Children is close to being able to be downloaded through Amazon's KDP Program. Again, I encourage you guys to take advantage of this opportunity if you want to own this ebook as one piece and not separated through the episodes route I've taken before. It clocked in at nearly 900 pages. Whew!!! What I can see of it the formatting looks good. I just hope that those epigraphs that show up at the beginning of each true chapter (not the character headings that you guys are used to) are on there own page. This was my intent. It doesn't look bad the way it is but that's not my original idea for the presentation.

I also completed the task of getting hardcopies published for Betrayal, Scar, Tempest Rising and Whirlwind. Again guys, these are for ME. If anyone wants to purchase these that's fine. I print them for me and I print them in hopes that someone out there sees them online or in a library, looks me up and finds Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, or other e book outlets to download them that way.

Perhaps, perhaps, I will be back here to announce that 'Children has started it's free run on Amazon.

Stay tuned.

No Rules. Just Write.

Beware of a formatting fool

OMG the formatting of the Where are our Children: Complete and Uncut Amazon Edition is done folks!!!

I had a blast!!! I had so much fun that I WILL NEVER take on such a task again. Well over 100 bookmarks almost 600 manuscript pages and nearly 300,000 words. It took me nearly 4 days of 4 and 4 hour sessions to see it through.

Now to the interesting part.

I'm going to look this puppy over one more time. Amazon usually takes anywhere to 6 to 12 hours to get something uploaded to their bookstore. I'm going to make it available for at least 24 hours if not 48 in KDP which would make it a free download. I'm going to be bugging u guys on every social platform I can to take advantage of this free opportunity. If you want this tale in one form or are new to this story here is your first (of many) chances to do so. Tell your friends. Tell your Bookclubs if you like.

Look for more than one post here today for updates along with some other good stuff.


No Rules. Just Write.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

late night snack

I expect to be up late.

I'm going to format the middle three episodes of Where are our Children into the Amazon Exclusive Edition tonight. Like I said in previous post, it is fun but it is CHALLENGING. I will get it done and maybe in time enough for you guys who want this work in one volume to have it this weekend.

One more mention of my e-book releases. Yesterday was the LARGEST download day that I have ever experienced to my knowledge. And by my knowledge, I mean Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Google Books/Play KOBO and I Tunes. There are other downloading venues out there but I don't have there download data at my fingertips. Anyway, THANK U to ALL who were involved in my big day. It means everything to me. I hope the end of the journey was worth the trip.

Or was it the end?

I couldn't resist adding that. Where are our Children IS over. Yet, some of the characters may be seen again. Yes, you may indeed see some of the characters (and a point of view) or the other who you have not experienced before--and soon.

One last thing before I let you guys go for the night. Waiting is this (put your index finger and your thumb together in a pinching motion without touching) and it is that close to reaching a huge milestone in downloads. You don't know how happy this makes me.

I'm so happy that you guys maybe seeing ALOT more of the 12 Worlds universe in the very near future.


Did I give something away?

No Rules. Just Write.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Late Night Thoughts

I'm not going to get into the habit of talking to you guys more than once a day over here. (grin). My blog or not I don't want to be overbearing, but I had just one or two last points to share with you before bed.

I never get tired of saying THANK YOU for the downloads that you guys have performed at Smashwords and elsewhere across the net. I'm looking at the biggest download day of my stuff EVER and it feels great.

People may wonder why I do this for free. I guess the better question is why do I do this and not try to earn some money for it. The answer is both simple and complex. I have a good job especially for someone with just a high school degree and some college. I've been there now for over 25 years. I have my stresses and the like just like every other working person in America, but for the most part I love what I do. I would be better to spend my time volunteering for overtime than trying to sell ebooks across the net. Really.

The other reason is I'm having a ball writing and publishing characters and plots that I've had in my head since I was a kid. I love my readers. But in truth, I am writing for ME first. I'm leaving nothing to chance. Do poor review hurt sometimes? Sure they do. I would be a liar if I said otherwise. But again I'm writing for me first.

And if you guys think you've seen bold, you ain't seen nothing yet.

One final thing before I get in total relax mode before work tomorrow...Formatting a 300,000 word novel is as fun and as challenging as I thought it would be. I'm a third of the way there guys. Maybe, just maybe you guys who like Amazon will get to have this complete and uncut edition in your hands by this weekend.


No more from me tonight. Promise.

No Rules. Just Write.  

Post Children

Welcome to the day after.

Children AD.

Well, maybe not quite...

Anyway, the first night's release seems to always be a rousing success and last night and early this morning is no different. Downloads of Whirlwind and accompanying titles went well. I don't look a gift horse in the mouth however. I always think it is wise to stop and acknowledge loyal readers as well as newbies who have joined the party. Like I said in a couple post yesterday, there were times that I didn't think we would get to this point. Children clocked in at a little over 300,000 words total for the series. It took a lot of planning and plotting (and some of you might say plodding) to get to the end. But it was my story told the way that I thought it had to be told at this time, in speaking of which--

The Amazon complete and uncut edition is coming. I have all of the previous volumes of course. The formatting shouldn't be TOO rough, but you never know. My reasons: 1. As most of you older readers know, Where are our Children was always intended to be one volume. I still would like to get that version out there. 2. I have epigraphs (quotes) at the beginning of each chapter that give deeper insight into characters and plots that are absent in serial form. I think it would enhance reader experience by getting those in there. 3. I'm not interested in selling my work anymore. I AM interested in getting more readers. Amazon, like them or not, is the top dog in the game. If I have an exclusive book with them then I can take advantage of their KDF program which gives me certain free days each quarter.

On to other things:

I have at least 4 of Sapp's Sports Study articles on the way. Fiction is what I do. Fiction is where my first love is. Yet, these articles let me get my opinion ( and it is just an opinion) out there on sports subjects that I care about. These articles have more readers than my fiction does on ITunes and is very competitive everywhere else. I've got four more topics to hit on: The present and future of the NFL, the crisis of amateur athletics, should we be paying college football players and one more to be finalized later. Again, these are fun (not saying writing fiction is not fun.) They will also buy me a little time as I finalize what and how I will publish the fiction that will last as long as my life or e publishing does.

Anyway, thanks for reading this particularly long post today. Enjoy Whirlwind.

No Rules. Just Write.

Monday, July 20, 2015

It's Official"Whirlwind is HERE

I rarely post here twice in one day, but I'm letting all of the Smashwords reader know that Whirlwind is published and is available for download on that site.

I had a major WOW moment when I added up the numbers and saw that Where are our Children finished a little bit over 300,00 words.

I wouldn't have thought that I had that many words in me in a lifetime not just a project like this. I won't go over some of the same material that I covered in an earlier post.

Just know how much this serial and this story meant to me and I hope that it has at least touched each of you readers in a small way.

Anyway, it's there on Smashwords for the taking. I will upload to other sites tonight and tomorrow.

I will be back here tomorrow as well to announce new projects on my horizon.

No rules. Just Write.

Whirlwind is done.


I'm not ashamed to say that I had tears in my eyes as I typed the final pages, paragraphs, sentences and word of Whirlwind. It is done. A project that I started over seven years ago is finished at last. As so many of you already know, it wasn't supposed to end this way. Where are our Children started out as a single novel. The first draft of which ended at 144,00 words.

I walked away from it for a while. It sat on my Kindle for 6 years. I found the courage to dig it up and start a second draft that ended up in what many of you will have in your hands likely by day's end. It's not perfect. It's not nearly perfect, but it is who I am as a writer and storyteller today. Right Now. I want to improve in both avenues. I will improve. But this was a huge stepping stone for productivity and confidence that I was able to overcome.

I'm so glad for all of you who've lived this journey with me. There were points along the way, especially after Past Prologue and then again after Zero Hour that I didn't believe that I would finish this.  

But after a final copyedit and formatting I will be uploading the final chapter of this last episode as time permits.

We did it, My Readers,

We DID it.

No Rules Just Write.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


I had a loooooooooong day yesterday and 4 the first time all week failed 2 write anything. 

And then catching up on LIFE made it a perfect 2 for 2 today.

Tomorrow is already looking tricky. It may take a small miracle 2 get the final chapter, the entire piece edited and formatted by 2morrow night but i guess we will see.

No rules. Just write.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A Crisis of Angels

I'm tired.
It has been a long week of work, but I've hit the writing gig every night and I'm now one chapter away from finishing  this work.
It feels good.
It feels real good.
So tomorrow is another long day of work.
And tomorrow night I'll be back at this work one last time.

Well, until then...

No Rules. Just Write.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Twin Killings

I wish.
I did get another chapter done today.
Whirlwind is rolling along.
Two more chapters to go before the finale is done.
I'm on to the next to last chapter tomorrow.
Until then...

No rules.
Just Write.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Drawing of the Three

Only three more chapters to go before Whirlwind is finished.  Only three more chapter before Where are our Children is finished. I got another chapter done tonight and I feel that it went well. This wasn't an easy plot to finish up but I think I've tied the knots back together while unraveling them so much over these 9 books.

I guess you guys will ultimately be the judges of if I've done it well or not.

Like I said: Three more to go and then it's keep on keeping on to the next project, the next chapter in my life.

Stay tuned.

No Rules. Just Write.

Monday, July 13, 2015

one step closer

It's late. But I got another chapter done. I'm over halfway done with the final episode. I promise to tell more tomorrow.

No rules. Just Write.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Not So Day of Rest

I have a 5 day work stretch coming which means long days and a ton of stress but I'll get through it. I'm enjoying my last day off but looking forward getting another chapter done today. After it's done I will be halfway through this last episode.

I did finish that critical chapter yesterday though I have a round of polishing to do before it is published. I'm looking forward to it.

No rules. Just Write.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

in God we trust

I just took a second stab at what I feel is the most important chapter in this series. When I wrote the first draft of this all of those years ago I feel I missed a critical plot point that subsequently missed the rationale for  major occurrence earlier in this tale. I think I have it covered now.

I'm gonna be smart with this chapter. I'm going to sit on it for a day and reread it tomorrow. I'm going to take away what is unnecessary and add stuff where I need it. And then I'll move on to the next chapter which will put me half way through this last volume.

Well, I hope that your readers are having a wonderful weekend.

until tomorrow...

Friday, July 10, 2015

day of rest

I had a busy and stressful week at work and I'm taking a day off from writing today. I'm half way through the 4th chapter and I will finish it and possibly the 5th chapter tomorrow. It is a good bet that the final chapter of this series hits Smashwords next weekend. Keep your fingers crossed.

I've done a TON and I do mean a ton of brainstorming on writing projects moving forward and I am so excited that I can barely stand myself. I'm putting together some templates, charts and other data like that. One thing that I've learned from Children is that it is VITAL to have character, place and event information available when you need it. There is nothing words than having to break storytelling momentum because you have to research info on a past character, scene or other vital stuff.

Anyway, keep peeking in to your favorite downloading sites as I will be publishing new covers to the first 6 episodes of Children.

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Close call

Almost didnt get this one in.

Got 2 chapters done Wed with the hope of at least 1 Thurs. All is going well. More specifics when im back in front of my laptop.

Till 2morrow

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Told Ya

Did a final write up of the first chapter of Whirlwind just now. I like it. I like it a lot. Just like I've been telling you guys over the past few post that I'm trying to try everything together like a knot. Remember, I wrote the very first draft of this thing nearly 6 years ago now. So far, however, it's coming together nicely. I'm moving on to the next POV tomorrow.

On the other front, I got a lot of brainstorming done in the wee hours of the morning while the majority of most civilized folks in the Eastern time zone slept. It felt great. I had a ball. I'm doing that again tonight.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, July 6, 2015

Last call...

I finished the 1st chapter of whirlwind. Again, this volume may take a short while 2 get 2 u guys hands than the last 3 have. Im trying 2 make sure all ends (that i want to) tie together in a logical way. There was a lot of plotting in this and some things changed in my mind along the way. 

Until 2morrow

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Sat was about brainstormin, well 2 day its about old fashioned stormin stormin. We had a HUGE downpour at work.

Not a lot 2 report otherwise as everything else remains about where i left it yesterday. 

Tons of downloads pouring in 4 Tempest Rising n the other books n that series.

I will start episode 9 mon after a goodnight sleep 2 night.

Lots of good ideas going through my head this weekend 4 my fiction moving forward. After talking bout writing 4 nearly 2 decades n not doing so, i wish u guys could know how excited about this coming chapter n my life.

Finally, i noticed a goof of my upload of Tempest 2 google books. Ill get that cleaned up 2 nite.

Until 2morrow...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Brain Storming

Tempest Rising had a wondrous start on Smashwords just like the last half dozen titles before it. I hope that u guys are enjoying reading the story as much as I did putting it out there.

There is one more to go.

One more.

I'll start hacking at it in a day or so.

In the meantime I've been brainstorming like a madman in anticipation of moving on to my next projects. This is what the plan is right now (subject to change as always)

I'm looking at getting back to the Sports Study. Fiction is my first and last love but I have at least a couple of sports subjects to put out there for debate. I'm looking at publishing four straight ones before moving back to fiction for the foreseeable future. More on this here and on Smashwords over the next 10 days to 2 weeks so stay tuned.

And then it's on to the big one

Back again to 12 Worlds for the first time.

I have ALOT to pass on about this later. I don't want to spring it all on you guys right now. I'm brainstorming like crazy right now. I'm excited. I'm doing covers. I'm doing some character profiles. Did I say I'm excited?

Anyway, I look forward to following you guys following me over the next 24 to 48 hours. I have a stretch of work days coming but I should at least get a chapter a day done on Whirlwind. I don't think that you guys will see it released as fast as the last two episodes but u never know.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, July 3, 2015

Tempest Rising is Ready for Download

It's done!!!

If you live on the East Coast of the USA I know it is late, but Tempest Rising is ready for download on Smashwords. It should be on all of your favorite Ebook sites within the next 24 to 36 hours.

I had a blast with this one.

I hope you guys enjoy it as well.

WoW!!! We are almost through this thing, this dream of mine that is Where are our Children.

I will start the final episode in a day or two.

Somebody let me know what you think of it.

Until tomorrow...  

Thursday, July 2, 2015

I need a new computer

I do. And anyone who is willing to contribute to one i am not to proud to accept donations😏

Anyway, on 2 far more important items. 
Tempest Rising is DONE. At least the manuscript portion is at the least. I got a shift 2 morrow and then i can have this latest episode formatted by this time tomorrow.

No spoilers, but with the extra stuff this volume will kick in at over 26000 words. I like it. I think it wraps of some character arcs and sets up some thrilling finales for a few others.

Stay tuned, readers.
Until we speak again

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Happy Hump Day

I feel good today.

I got 2 chapters done and I'm feeling damned good about that.

I probably have the will to write the last two chapters of Tempest Rising today but I probably won't. I don't want to exhaust myself and get sloppy.

I'm going to relax with some TV and graphic novel downloading now. I've paid my dues with the Job and to my readers and now I'm going to take a little time for me.

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Age of Ultron

I got another chapter done today which is always a challenge after my first day after working my last night of graveyard.

On a semi writing based item I saw Avengers: Age of Ultron for the second time in theatres. I loved it the first time and although I watched it with a far critical eye this time around...

I loved it even more this time. It has it all. Great Action of course. And yet, I really enjoyed the plot and the characterizations even better. Look, I'm an X Men and Batman guy but the two Avengers releases are superior products. I have to give Marvel Studios and Disney much props.

Back to my creations I hope to do two chapters tomorrow and Thursday with a probable upload Friday or Saturday night.

More details as they come to me. Promise.

Until tomorrow.

Better late than never

I nearly 4got 2 post today.

I have had a busy, busy day and dont have a lot 2 say or really the time 2 say it with.

I did get another chapter done though i was shooting 4 two. 

Oh well.

I will be back at it 2 morrow after some sleep n family time

Till then...

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The arc

Got 2 chapters done today. I almost made myself late 4 work but its done. It also completes louis keatons mini arc.

I wont spoil it 4 u but im pleased with it. Like i said b4 here and other places keaton is the most difficult character I've written a POV from so far.

Hes a pedofile. He's got time bombs ticking in his head. It wasn't easy, it was quite unnerving actually, 2 get 2 the mans core. 

Oh yea, his arc is closed...but it isnt. It is still one small suprise about him waiting 4 readers in Whirlwind.

Onwards though, into tomorrow.
Talk at yall soon

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saving the best 4 last

This is the 1st day in about a month that i didnt write. Yea, i missed some days csuse of job related things but this was a little more personal. Nothing too serious, but enough not 2 get anything done.

I will be back at it sunday. 

Going 2 be wrapping up a very important arc in this story over next couple ofchapters.

Until tomorrow  

Friday, June 26, 2015

Keatons last stand

Another day another chapter finished.

(Slight spoiler ahead)

Keatons last stand- both Hugh and the persona of who readers have known is coming 2 an end over a four chapter arc in Tempest Rising. As i said in my interview on Smashwords, Louis has not been an easy character to write. And some of the things hes done and has had done 2 him have not been pleasant.

Im hoping 2 give this character the passionate and dignified sendoff he so very much deserves

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Get Back Thursday

Well, I'm back writing like I promised.

It took me nearly 2 sessions to do it, but I finished the first chapter of Tempest Rising today despite some errand running, computer issues and other distractions.

There is a slight, very slight, chance that I try to pull off a second chapter tonight.

I will definitely get one done tomorrow then per usual with my nightshift of the Job-writing over the weekend will get tricky.

If things go well overall, and I expect them to, the 8th episode of Where are our Children will be available for readers by the end of next weekend.

And considering the number of words going into these books, I think that is a pretty impressive feat.

Anyway, back at you guys tomorrow.

until then...  

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Kills computer

My freakin computer is driving me up the freakn wall so i turned 2 my phone 2 post 2 night. Scar should be ready on mostly ALL formats now. 

Im back from my job related stuff and will start tempest rising barring anything funky setting me back tomorrow

Talk at u guys tomorrow 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

toast for a tuesday

Still dealing with other business.
i won't get back back to writing until Thursday at earliest.
i am enjoying the restbit from the real part of my Job, but anxious to get Tempest Rising going.
On the publishing front, yesterday was my second biggest download day in my times writing and publishing on Smashwords.
Thanks for all YOU guys that made that happen.
Oh yeah, Scar went to premium status today which means it will be available on a lot or other sites within the next 24 hours or so.
until tomorrow...

Monday, June 22, 2015

Outside the lines

Once again the reader response 2 Scar's release has been incredible. Although i got it up rather late last night, downloads have been through the roof the first 20 hours or so.

I will say this: this episode went the smoothest of all my releases so far. Maybe i know the story and characters better than I have at any point. I know my  confidence is soaring right now. I cant wait 2 get at it again. Thursday cant get here soon enough.

For right now im taking care of some Job business. Im brainstorming ideas of wear im headed as a writer after Children concludes over the next few weeks.

Look in at my blog tomorrow.

Until then...

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Scar is Available

I did it.
I finished the last chapters of Scar, got it edited, formatted and now it is uploaded to Smashwords.
I'm particularly proud of the effort that I put in this one.
I didn't think I had any chance of getting this one done before tomorrow but I did.
I've got Job business until Wednesday and it was important for me to keep the momentum that has been building over the past few weeks and get this latest episode into my reader's hands.
It meant that much to me.
You guys out there downloading this stuff mean so much to me.
Anyway its done and on Smashwords as I type this. Smashwords many affiliates will have it in the next 48 hours. I won't be uploading to Kobo and Google Play until I'm back at this in the middle of this week. I really wanted to hit the site where the most of my download traffic originates from.
I will be doing some thinking and plotting of upcoming projects as Where are our Children reaches it's end.
I will be posting stuff here once a day through my phone.
Thanks guys. 
Enjoy Scar.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Super Saturday

I feel super. I got three chapters done yesterday and two more today. Man, it feels great. It feels super. I'm on a schedule to finishing Scar tomorrow. Finishing the story and getting it ready for upload won't be impossible but it would be a tremendous challenge.

But the next volume may just be in your hands tomorrow night.

It just might.

But I'm going to enjoy the rest of this Saturday off from the Job and hit the computer again in the morning.

Until then, enjoy...

Friday, June 19, 2015


Thank God its Friday. Well, I'm thankful any day is better than the past few. Anyway, what is done is done. I got a ton of private business done today after getting a lot of Job related things finished yesterday.

Im getting ready to sit down and hit what has been my best part of the day recently which is my writing. Think I'm going to be at the computer a bit. This chapter looks like a rather long one. But after missing back to back days I'm ready for it.

Afterwards, I'm looking forward to watching the Academy Award nominated American Sniper. I Red boxed it.

Anyway, until tomorrow, happy Friday folks.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Lost day

I had a ton of work related stuff 2 do 2day so i got no writing done. I hope 2 b able 2 get back it 2 morrow

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Still Fighting

Today was a rough one on the Job. I feel like I went 10 rounds with Ali or Tyson in their prime. Still managed to get through it though. Now I'm here sitting in the AC getting ready to spin another chapter of Scar from my web. Man, it feels good to feel good again about my writing. I want this moment to last the remainder of my life. I really do.

Anyway, just checking in. I'm trying to get into the habit-- of getting into the habit of checking in here a least for a little bit each day whether I am writing that day or not.

Now I'm going to hang out with Thomas Pepper for a while.

Check in tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Confidence is the key

It's what has me feeling better about writing maybe more that I ever have.

I finished another chapter tonight. Scar is rolling along. I would live to have it finished and into you guy's hands before the middle of next week but that will be pushing it.

Anyway, I'm on to another chapter tomorrow. Stay tuned Stay safe.   

Monday, June 15, 2015

The wow factor

Wow!!! That's all that u can say 4 the response ive seen in downloads over the past 2 days. 

Sunday resulted in the most downloads if my stuff in a single day ever.

In addition 2 betrayal getting hits, the entire where are our children series seen a huge bump in action.

To all my returning readers thank u 4 your loyality and patience. 4 new readers thank u 4 your time n your trust. 

Anyway, im off and running on scars 2 nite.

Until 2 morrow....

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Never Keep a Beautiful Woman Waiting

I read that somewhere.
I bring it up because that saying should go for readers as well.
I kept you folks waiting a LONG time.
I apologize. Really. The downloads that went through the roof over night on Smashwords prove that there is a desire out there for my work. I still have a lot of improvement in writing and editing and publishing to do. I know that. And to the young lady that left the only review of my over all work on Where are our Children-- you were right. You are right in everything that you sated in your critique.
Betrayal--like all of the other works is not perfect. I seriously doubt that anything that I publish will ever be.
I'm looking at Iron Man 2 on the tube right now as I type this.
I watched Captain America: The Winter Solider last night.
I saw Mad Max: Fury Road (twice) last week at the theatre.
I read Old Man Logan (Graphic Novel) on my Kindle in the past month.
I watched Daredevil (season 1) on Netflix within the last month.
Why did I bring up all of these books and movies...because they are excellent forms of great STORYTELLING.
I told you guys several paragraphs back that I doubt that I will ever publish a perfect E book. But my goal is to grow as a storyteller with each fictional tale I publish. Betrayal felt good coming out of me. The continuation of the story felt strong. I'm proud of it.
I sure did.   

Saturday, June 13, 2015


I know that I've been away for a long time.
I won't try to explain my absence. At least I won't try today.
I will take the time to announce that the newest edition in the Where are our Children saga is available now or in the next 24 to 48 hours on your favorite downloading site.
I hope you enjoy Episode 6- Betrayal as I did spinning the tale.