Sunday, July 5, 2015


Sat was about brainstormin, well 2 day its about old fashioned stormin stormin. We had a HUGE downpour at work.

Not a lot 2 report otherwise as everything else remains about where i left it yesterday. 

Tons of downloads pouring in 4 Tempest Rising n the other books n that series.

I will start episode 9 mon after a goodnight sleep 2 night.

Lots of good ideas going through my head this weekend 4 my fiction moving forward. After talking bout writing 4 nearly 2 decades n not doing so, i wish u guys could know how excited about this coming chapter n my life.

Finally, i noticed a goof of my upload of Tempest 2 google books. Ill get that cleaned up 2 nite.

Until 2morrow...