Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Confessions has been downloaded 16 times in the states total, which isn't too bad when I realize it's bound to do better during the prime time hours still to come, especially as the west coast folks get home. I might actually see this article drive itself into the 100 of downloaded sports books before I hit the sack.

I didn't expect Waiting to do much but it's been downloaded 4 times. I thought it was kinda neat to see it in the top 5 sales in both Great Britain and Denmark. Again, maybe the prime time hours will do something for it as well.

I learned something today. Kindle either is not sold or not supported in Canada which surprises my some.

Anyway, thanks four all who have and who will download either short. Thanks.

I need to get it myself just to see if that sophisticated formatting worked out. 

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