I got a little sleep today, so I'll try not to be so grouchy in my post. (smile)
I have very little good news today. But I thought I would start with it first. I finished Thomas' chapter this afternoon, which means I have two more to go before the second draft of Deliverance: Episode 2 of Where are our Children is ready to be polished, formatted, and uploaded.
Right now this episode is looking to be a little bigger than 411 was. I'm on pace for 270000 words for the entire finished project, though I expect that number to go down as I move along. I know, I have said that before. Thanks 4 reminding me. (smile)
I've made a couple of executive decisions. I will make each one of these Episodes a trade paperback through Createspace. I don't think they are going to print something in one volume that is approaching 300000 words.
The audio book and Amazon editions will be in one volume that I will call: Where are our Children: Complete and uncut.
Now on to the NOT so good. Life is trying to get in the way. I managed to write for the 16th consecutive day today and I hope that streak continues. But if anyone of you has ever worked nights, you know how difficult the transition is when you reach that first day off is. Well, add to it that I have a serious appointment to deal with tomorrow afternoon and have to start a stretch of 5 straight 12 hour days after that. My bank account will look good next week. I probably won't. ( Insert your own private joke here, folks.)
Finally, the good folks at Smashwords did email me back saying that Apple and ITunes had some glitches late last week. 411 is still not up. I missed an entire weekend of potential readership over there at the second largest audience for eBooks in the world.
Technology can be wonderful, technology can be a pain in the a$$.
Anyway, at least I'm showing some growth. I 'm showing some maturity in my writing. In the past I would have used a setback like this as an excuse to quit. I'm not doing that (yea for me!!). I'm still writing. I'm still publishing.
I'm using these challenges and setbacks as if they were the greatest opportunity of all.
Because they are just that.
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