Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thoughts over the weekend

Faith Is going to get my full attention and my intent to finish this month.

Sept: One Avenging Angel tale; One Stand alone called Alive

Oct: One Avenging Angel tale; One Stand alone called Dead Mexicans

Nov: One Avenging Angel tale, One stand alone called Imperfections

Dec: One Avenging Angel tale; One Stand alone called Hard Rain

2013: 16 Avenging Angel tales and four yet to be named stand alones.

I've abandoned the idea of using titles like Avenging Abagail, Avenging Beverly...for this reason. A lot of the stories I've come across have more than one victim in them. I am limiting what I can write by using the titles. What I can do is use some of the song titles, book title, and movie titles that have moved me in the past. I'm still strongly leaning towards using the black and white photos that I can take myself to keep a consistent theme going through these shorts.

Oh yea: Almost forgot about my novel. The first draft featured 90 scenes, and I attend to keep and expand all of those scenes. If I can rewrite 3 scenes at a time then this novel will be ready somewhere between now and early 2013. The tough thing about working on this novel is I see nothing for my work until its finished while the short stories bring results quicker. At some point during this venture I HAVE to find comfort in the PROCESS or I'll need to quit.

I went into a beautiful Barnes and Nobles while I was in Chicago, and enjoyed looking at all of the books. It reminded me about how difficult and special this process of writing and publishing is. People have more outlets for their reading pleasures than ever before. I have to come to the realization that I may NEVER sell any of my shorts or my novel at a high level no matter how hard I work at it. The enjoyment must come in the creative process, and seeing my work and name in (e publishing) ink or this will drive me crazy.

The JOB isn't fun most of the time. The economics of the world around me isn't fun most of the time either. I have to be able to balance all of this as well as my beloved family with this writing or give this up FOREVER.

I've always had excuses before but they don't exists any more. Anything I choose to write can be published within 12 to 24 hrs. I have a little talent. I have lots of organization. I need to find some damned courage to see this through.       

Chicago Trip Recap

A truly wonderful trip. I saw the good, bad, and ugly parts of the city and the people who inhibit it. I'll post a few pics of the city, though my camera gave me fits and I missed more shots than I took. I totally am I took the time to study the L system over the last few months it proved to be well worth it. And for all who care I don't know how u use this system in Chicago without the app that shows u the arrival time of the trains, it was very accurate.

As a sports fan it couldn't get any better. The truth is that Wrigley Field is a dump. And yet, it is a dump that is beloved by people from around the world and I'm glad I got to see it. I understand this better than ever though since I've visited, why the city council doesn't want 2 shut down Wrigley even 4 one year why they renovate. They don't want to loose a quarter of the fan base if they play at US Cellular home of the White Sox which is a superior ballpark in every way.

As 4 the people, Chicago folks weren't overly warm, but what can u expect from people with millions of others and thousands of outsiders in your face all the time. Their are tons of homeless and mentally ill  who hand around downtown and on the L but for the most part don't cause tourist any immediate threat.

The weather was a tad cool for me, which reminded me why I couldn't live up North. They don't call this place the Windy City for nothing as it lived up two its reputation all weekend with wicked gust of wind and chilly nights even in August. Sunday was the nicest day but again this comes from an old Florida boy.