Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Temendous Opportunity

I'm 43 years old. I'll be 44 late this year. Think about it. If I wrote 2 story a month over the next 20 years that's 240 stories.

I'm thinking I should still be physically and mentally competent by then.

Look, again my idea is to be read. I would really enjoy being read. If I choose to do 12 worlds or something else, I have a chance to so something creative with minimum pressure. This is not going to change my financial status. I don't need to pressure myself like that.

I already work everyday that I'm scheduled. Often, more than that. I'm doing what I can in that department.

This...THIS gives me a chance to be creatdive. Doing a comic book without actually doing a comic book. Doing Law and Order without doing Law and Order. Doing the old style Pulp Magazines in a new format called E Readers which I don't think is going away anytime soon. Doing Space Opera which I've always enjoyed on screen and on the page.

Yea, a tremendous opportunity indeed. 


Boy, am I mouthing off tonight.

If I choose to explore this universe further....first let me address what my biggest concerns are while I'm thinking about it.

1. Cover Art.
2. Telling Tales in a linear method.
3. Cover Art. (Not a typo.)

Anyway, back to Artemis. I have some story ideas for all of the principal characters involved in that storyline, so yes, you, the reader, would see them all again. Though, I doubt they will ever appear in the same tale again.

Artemis Space Station will certainly be seen again. I have LOTS of ideas where the station is concerned.   

12 Worlds

If I choose to go on with 12 worlds stories I'll need to figure out ALOT of things.


First, I'll need to create these 12 worlds. I have some of them already. Three of the four populated areas are in The Core, The Belt, and Centauri space which were at least introduced in Waiting. I have an idea for the fourth, but it's not clear yet.

This second story would take place on one of the Centauri worlds.


After my rewrite of Waiting, I figured that I wanted all of the races presented to be human. I'm not sure yet if I'll use androids are not, but I have a story or two about Clones to tell, some this year in fact.


This one is giving me pause. I have to tell some things as they come to me so telling this thing in a linear way will be nearly impossible. I'm also exploring the option of telling stories in three distinct time periods. Again, something I have to explore.   

a director

I've only finished 3 short stories, a first draft of novel, and one non fiction piece ( Fumblerooski) so I don't have a lot of room to talk.

But If I could have anyone in Hollywood direct the movies based on my work it would be Edward Zwick. If you are unfamiliar with the name, I'm sure you know his work: Blood Diamond, Glory, The Last Samurai, among others.

He seems to have an eye for cinematography, and an ear for social issues concerning race, religion, and history.

Just a pipe dream. 

About 9 steps

Hopefully, my 9 step process will be helpful to someone out there. I wish I was brilliant enough to claim ownership over it's creation.

Some folks try to mask the steps while they are writing, but I don't let that concern me. I hope the reader has chosen my story because they were interested in the category, topic, cover, and something I previously wrote.

Here goes my Law and Order reference again:

I love the original Law and Order. Believe it or not I  didn't discover it on any semi regular basis until about 8 years ago while it was in it's height of syndication on TNT and TBS. I would watch those back to back episodes every night I could.

My point about Law and Order is that it's format is exactly the same every episode. If you tune in 15 minutes in you can expect to be here, if you come in at the 30 minute mark you will be here...and so on.

This is what I want my short stories to be like for a reader. I want them to recognize the quarter mark, the half way mark...and so one.

The characters and the setting may change, but the style is the same.

A short story in 9 steps

Back to something writing related, this is my 9 step method for writing short stories regardless of genre.

Teaser/Opening: Introduction of Point of View character and an opening situation to catch a reader's attention.

Exposition Whore: Yea, I said whore. I use this terminology from a article I read about Game of Thrones on HBO. The producers of the show often explain exposition by having it mouthed from naked women on the screen. The point is to keep a viewer/reader's attention while passing on important information. I try to do this as well through interesting action or interaction.

Rising Drama: The scene drives the momentum forward towards my ultimate climax.

Plot Point One: An important foreshadow of things to come is revealed. I like to use the JMS 
(J. Michael Straczynski-the creator of Babylon 5) method. He likes to reveal exactly what will happen and let you the reader/viewer figure out how we will get there from here. 

Climax: My POV is usually at a point where a critical decision to be made. They make it but with a terrible consequence just around the corner.

Reversal: Just when my POV believes he or she has triumphed, the bottom falls out. Hard.

Lowering Drama: The lead scene before all the buildup is revealed.

Plot Point Two: Remember what I promised in Plot Point One? We're here. I just hope you can handle the truth as I've chosen to reveal.

Denouement: Some writers don't feel this scene is necessary and I understand their point of view. I think it's critical. I want readers to know not only what happened to my POV, but if they overcame or even if they were swallowed up by what's happened to them. It also allows me the chance to advance this character if they are to be used again, or if it's one more twist I can present to the reader.       

Lifetime Movie Network

Watching TV with wife. These movies are sooooo over the tip with their portrayal of men.

James Swallow

just got off Amazon. I looked up James Swallow. If You like Sci Fi and you appreciate a simple, straightforward writing style you will enjoy this author. I've read a couple of Star Trek books by him and was more than entertained.

Inner Editor

I've struggled with this before.

I need to turn that inner Editor, that inner voice off. You know, the one who tells you that what you're writing is crap. The one that reminds you that putting in a movie in the blu-ray or watching something on the tube would be more gratifying than struggling through another day making sentences work.

It's tough sometimes. I'm hopeful that I'm as tough.

Small Press Mags

I'm happily surprised that many of those small press magazines and anthologies are still kicking and breathing.

Even before The Great Recession and Self Publishing being pushed to greater heights with the advent of e readers I know these outlets struggled to keep operating.

I haven't sent anything to them in some time, but I hope we're STILL talking about their "struggles" 20 years from now.

About "Waiting"

In case u didn't know...Waiting was published as part of a short story competition back in 2004. It finished 4th out of over a thousand entries.

The story that u can download at sony, smashwords, kobo, barnes and noble, or itunes for free, or at Amazon for $.99 is 3500 words longer, and definitely more expanded.

I give more character to Amadeus (who I thought was far to one dimensional), as well as more insight to Micah and Jonas.

I also expanded on the entire Core, Belt, and Centauri thing in this so called (12 worlds) because in 2004 I really had not expected to return to this fictional universe.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this about my first published work, and something that has always been near and dear to me.

Been busy

I got a little work done.

I studied Orson Scott Card on how prose works at a real personal level.  He calls it tight third person which reads almost like first person. He really gets inside a character's head, and tells readers what he is thinking from the inside out. Of course, the Ender family of books probably showcases this this best.

Spring Break

I've heard that more readers check in the esites during the holidays. Those who may have something to upload this may be your week to do so.


I'm looking 4 honest feedback and what you guys would pay 4 ebooks from Inde Authors. This guideline listed before is strickly MY outlook on it. I truly want YOURS.

Short Stories 500- 7500 words  $0 to $.99
Novelettes and Novellas 7500-50000 words $.99
Short Novels 50000to 100000 $1.99
Long Novels  100000 and up 2.99 to 4.99

OMG this is terrible...

Still tryin 2 get ova this bug. At least I slept well enough last night.

Managed to work on my template yesterday, and will again today.