Friday, August 3, 2012


Okay, so u didn't ask but lemme explain when I say I've completed 20 outlines in a hour or two. These outlines are more in the lines of a template. Yea, there's that word again: Template. It means everything to me while I'm writing.

Templates give me a consistent place to go next when I'm doing fiction or non fiction. For fiction its just a matter of getting my characters and motivations down, while in non fiction I can concentrate on word usage and sentence structure.

Anyway, I finished 20 more tonight. Wasn't planning to but circumstances have me up late. I really want to get 2 bed so I can start on that second draft on Tebow but I know I'm going to be pushing it mentally and physically if I don't get some rest. 

Boy, am I jumping around

Back to August stuff:

Tebow's article will either be called  The Gospel According to John or Saviour- with the subtitle being how Elway saved us from Tim Tebow. I'm probably going to use a generic cover for this one. Tebow is so popular I don't want to risk using an image that someone, somewhere has used before.

The NCAA one is set in stone: Fumblerooski: How the NCAA dropped the ball on the upcoming football playoffs. I really like the cover for this one as well. PowerPoint really takes the work out of this process.

Note: To correct something I posted a few days ago: The Fumblerooski wasn't a play in the FSU-Clemson game but Miami-Nebraska a few years earlier. My bad. I speak specifically to this event at the onset of this article.


Do I actually speak about publishing this far ahead. Why not? I think my commitment here can only aid me, even putting a little pressure on myself to get stuff done.

I spoke with a co-worker about having his daughter pose for one of Sept's scheduled article. The article is tentatively called Little Monsters: Amateur athletics gone mad. It's my take on how amateur athletics from youth leagues to the college level has gotten out of hand. I picture a cover with a younger girl in softball gear with the eye paint, wearing a too serious look-if not a snarl imbedded on her pretty face.

I'm really struggling with a title for the second one which will be about how I believe the NFL may have gone to a level of no return. I love NFL football, but I don't like much of the direction on and off the field where it's heading.   

Let's talk about writing and publishing

I'm leaning towards publishing both Tebow's and the NCAA playoff articles on the same day. Tebow's will be done first but I like the idea of each article having the other to piggyback off of.

It's a strong possibility this will occur anywhere between 8-13 and 8-17. I'm not sure I'll use Amazon's promo on both or either yet.

I will admit right here that I want to use Warren Sapp's release of  his tell all NFL book to aid the sales of my articles. Sapp is releasing his book on the 21st. If you'll put "Sapp"in the search under Kindle books my name actually appears ahead of his. I need to take advantage of this.

Faith, I would think should be ready anywhere from 7 to 10 days after two articles.    

A bad day gettn worse

One of my templates for "killin" has come up missing. I've looked on my computer and all around the house for a written copy and have come up empty. It's not a tragedgy by any means but I've created a little more work 4 myself.


I need to be in the bed, but I'm going to outline 20 more stories in the killing series. Rough, Rough night and early morning at the JOB.

Sometimes I feel I don't have a friend in the world.

I'm not going to burden u folks with my problems. it's too many people who want to work and cant.

I'm ever thankful 4 what I do have.

Sometimes though I feel that I deserve better than the hand I've been dealt.

Anyway, I don't know if I'm going to make any money from this stuff I've been doing over the past few weeks. But it does give me something to do, something to occupy my mind. And God knows I need something to occupy my mind...