What a day.
I spent a total of 12 hours editing and formatting 411: The first episode of The Where our are Children Series.
I'm exhausted!!!
I'm very excited!!!
A note to readers, as I've stated before, Episodes 1,2,4,5,7, and 8 will be available at Smashwords and your other favorite retailers (besides Amazon) for free. Episodes 3,6, and 9 will sell for $.99 a piece.
The Smashwords version is ready for download today. I am confident that ITunes, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo will have their versions before the weekend.
Again, the Amazon version will be ready almost the same day as the release of Whirlwind: The 9th and final episode on Smashwords.
More release news: Fumblerooski, How the NCAA fumbled the ball on the coming playoff is available as an audio book on Audible.com. It should be ready in day on Amazon and ITunes. I suspect my Twelve Worlds Novelette should be ready on all three formats in day as well. On the audio front as well, I am strongly considering offering The Gospel According to John: How Elway saved us from Tebow, his media cronies and an insufferable fan base as well. I will make that decision by this weekend.
A couple of final notes before I sign off for today, my first three works will probably go off line for a few hours while I resubmit the back matter showing my newest and upcoming releases. (I have to market where I can. (smile) )
A special thank you goes to Miss Corrine Elletson Kilgore. I haven't published to Smashwords in over a year and I wouldn't have got through the meatgrinder without your videos on YouTube. Thank you.
I will be back hard at writing ( I never want to refer to this as working) Deliverance: Episode 2 either tomorrow or Wednesday. I don't anticipate any of the remaining Episodes to be as nearly as long as the 35,000 word monster available to you guys right now.
Anyway, at least I have a few things out there for you guys to enjoy. It's signed, sealed, delivered...It YOURS.