Friday, October 31, 2014

When your wrong just SAY your wrong

I'm going to have to pull out some special measures to get the polish of Deliverance done by the end of the weekend.

But I'm going to get it done.

I also will be putting 411 and Deliverance on Createspace for paperback lovers by the end of the weekend as well.

Now to where I screwed up.

I look at my key words which are fine, but I think I CATEGORIZED it wrong. Where are our Children has mystery element. It has elements of suspense. But at its heart it would better be served as Literary Fiction. Now whether it ACTUALLY IS Literary or not is up to the reader to decide.

I'm going on the site when I leave here and adjust it a little.

When your wrong, just say your wrong.  

Thursday, October 30, 2014

ain't quitin

It has been one of those days that Life get in the way.

WAY in the way.

I don't have a lot to add otherwise.

I'm gonna get through is.

I ain't quitin.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Just Call me Jimmy

It took two sessions, but I finished the next to last chapter of the second episode. My goal is to write the last one tomorrow and spend a day or two with the polish before the upload to Smashwords.

Now for some notes:

I will be going over the 70000 word mark for the entire story when I finish the final chapter. I am a bit surprised that this second volume is bigger that the first, but it is just that.

I STILL expect that number to come down over the next few episode.

I will be formatting 411 and Deliverance for Create Space on Amazon as well on the day that they go up to Smashwords.

Lastly for today, I got an email from ACX and about FREE downloads of my two audiobooks: Waiting and Fumblerooski how the NCAA dropped the ball on the coming playoff. They are giving away redeeming coupons so that you can go to the website and download the audiobook for FREE saving you 6 bucks. I'm going to leave my email on here and the FIRST of you who would like the codes for one or both books are welcome to them. The only thing that I ask (I said ask not demand) is that you leave a fair review of both story and production. This kind of thing means a lot to me and the two producers who worked to bring the books to life.

My email is

I will take request until all the FREE coupons are gone are the offer runs out. I honestly just glanced at the email today while I was on the Job. So I really need to read up on it a more. Don't be shy hit me with an email and I'll get those cards out to you as soon as I get back to this computer.

Just call me Jimmy, I'll take what they give me.   

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

gone streakin

Unless something happens that I am not expecting, my writing streak will be broken today.

I've got too many Life things to attend to that are too important to ignore. But I will be back at it in the morning trying everything I can to bet Episode 2 in readers hands by the weekend.

Oh yea, 411: Episode 1 of Where are our Children is up in the ITunes store.

I hope you all enjoy it.

In the meantime, tomorrow I will gone streakin again.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Greatest Oppurtunity of All

I got a little sleep today, so I'll try not to be so grouchy in my post. (smile)

I have very little good news today. But I thought I would start with it first. I finished Thomas' chapter this afternoon, which means I have two more to go before the second draft of Deliverance: Episode 2 of Where are our Children is ready to be polished, formatted, and uploaded.

Right now this episode is looking to be a little bigger than 411 was. I'm on pace for 270000 words for the entire finished project, though I expect that number to go down as I move along. I know, I have said that before. Thanks 4 reminding me. (smile)

I've made a couple of executive decisions. I will make each one of these Episodes a trade paperback through Createspace. I don't think they are going to print something in one volume that is approaching 300000 words.

The audio book and Amazon editions will be in one volume that I will call: Where are our Children: Complete and uncut.

Now on to the NOT so good. Life is trying to get in the way. I managed to write for the 16th consecutive day today and I hope that streak continues. But if anyone of you has ever worked nights, you know how difficult the transition is when you reach that first day off is. Well, add to it that I have a serious appointment to deal with tomorrow afternoon and have to start a stretch of 5 straight 12 hour days after that. My bank account will look good next week. I probably won't. ( Insert your own private joke here, folks.)

Finally, the good folks at Smashwords did email me back saying that Apple and ITunes had some glitches late last week. 411 is still not up. I missed an entire weekend of potential readership over there at the second largest audience for eBooks in the world.  

Technology can be wonderful, technology can be a pain in the a$$.

Anyway, at least I'm showing some growth. I 'm showing some maturity in my writing. In the past I would have used a setback like this as an excuse to quit. I'm not doing that (yea for me!!). I'm still writing. I'm still publishing.

I'm using these challenges and setbacks as if they were the greatest opportunity of all.

Because they are just that.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Good, The bad, And the ugly

I'm still tired.

I told you guys yesterday that today would test my streak of 15 days consecutively writing. It would mark the first time in my 45 years that I put pen to pad, (or fingers to keyboard) as it may. Well the good is that the streak is alive. I actually pounded out over 3000 words in just over 3 hours.

Alright, the bad news is that I didn't finish Thomas second entry in Deliverance.  The chapter is a lot bigger than it appears on my Kindle. Anyway, there is a ton of important talk in this section that when this thing is released, that I think you guys will enjoy. I'm enjoying writing it, though I admit to being a little fatigued.

In other Bad news, 411 still hasn't appeared on I Tunes. I stopped long enough so send a polite email to the good folks about it. I would think it would be there. These things happen. Technology is can wonderful. Technology can be a pain in the a$$.

Last not on that front, the downloads are coming very well at B&N.

Finally, the ugly, well that has to be my Jags. (yuck)
Maybe, just maybe, that will get change some day soon.

You can always count on the good, the bad, and the ugly to so just that.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Battle Hardened

I'm tired.


That first night of graveyard is always tough and I aint 25 anymore. (smile)

I still got up and completed another chapter. In fact, including the first draft of this novel, this is the most consecutive days of writing I've done in my entire life. I'm going to stop a sec and acknowledge that achievement.

Alright, the acknowledgment is over. Time goes back tonight, which I will be working a 13 hour shift tonight and have my pitiful Jags to tune into tomorrow. This presents a clear and present danger to my streak, but I'm going to get it done...somehow.

411 is online at most retailers, although I Tunes still didn't have it up the last time I checked this morning. I hope that it is by this writing. I am REALLY looking forward to seeing how it does over there. 

Anyway, back this war of attrition with this serial tomorrow. It's going to be my biggest challenge so far, but I am battle hardened. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Short and Sweet

I'm going to promise to keep this posting short and sweet. Here it goes...
Since I last posted, I've finished Serena and Xavier's latest chapters. This story is expanding beyond anything I would have ever imagined and I'm enjoying watching where the chips are falling.

I have four more chapters to go on Deliverance, they will all need a final polish and formatting before they are uploaded.

I am returning to work tonight, so Life as I call it will get in the way little. No more 8 or 12 hour sessions on the serial for awhile. But I am holding myself to at least a chapter s day, which will put the upload in the middle of next week if I don't hit any hiccups.

Alright, I did it, I kept  the posting short and sweet today. I only I could do this with this story...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Long Winded

I'm posting early today because Life is going to get in the way of my writing a little today. I finished Xavier's 2nd chapter a few minutes ago and somehow...someway will get another Serena chapter done before bed tonight.

I'll say this: I'm done fighting myself about the word count. The last two chapters rivaled some of the earlier chapters that many of you have in your hands right now. It was A LOT of backstory to these character that is important as the main story moves forward. many readers may disagree with me and that's fine. But this isn't padding on my part. Remember, 6 of these 9 episodes are listed as FREE. and with the other three going for only $.99 a piece there isn't a lot of royalty in this for me even if this serial sells like crazy. (smile)

Anyway, everyone across all outlets should have the new covers and back matter in my first three works as they all went through the meatgrinder successfully yesterday. I made another round of modifications on 411 yesterday and I'm cautiously optimistic that everyone out there (Other than Amazon Kindle Exclusive folks) will have a copy burning their fingers by this weekend if they wish.

I CAN by so long winded at times...   

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Technical difficulties

I don't usually post to the blog until after I'm completed with whatever I'm trying to accomplish for the day but I'll make an exception today. (smile)

I competed 2nd drafts of two chapters and have plans to do one more after completing this blogging. Theses are the first two chapters of Deliverance: Episode 2 of 9 of the Where are our Children (Serial) but chapter 11 and 12 respectively in the original novel. Other than you guys who go to Smashwords for your fiction, you don't have an earthly idea what I'm talking about since a couple of technical difficulties but I'll touch on these in a paragraph or two down. For now let's focus on how the writing itself is coming.

Just like I suspected, the word count is coming down. 411clocked in at over 35,000 words. I don't suspect any of the remaining 8 books to finish over 15000 words each but we will see. I also predicted the first Roxanne chapter to be a bitch...and well it is just that. There is an important back story in there, that I never quite made clear to myself the first time around and I'm paying a price for it now. Anyway, I just wanted to get it out of my head and unto the paper, which I did this morning. I'll work on it some more tonight because it has to be right before I publish this 2nd episode.

I faced a similar issue with Seth's back story but I have most his issues worked out. I hinted at it but I didn't reveal it (as you readers can tell) if you've already yet, since his first chapter was already running long anyway. It's coming. Be patient.    

I finished Thomas second chapter as it went relatively smooth but will need touching up.

I got a Serena chapter to start and finish after I'm done here.

Oh yea, back the technical difficulties. I got a little (lot) frustrated with technical stuff yesterday. There is an issue over amazon and its family of publishing houses that I have to attend to this afternoon. Although I am happy how well all of my new covers for my first three books came out over there. I did them as well for the Smashwords family but I had other glitches occur on me with the uploads, so gain everything is delayed going out to the major retailers. A very small error cost me on 411 that I fixed and I'm hoping folks outside of the main page get to start downloading it as soon as today. I'm curious at what the numbers will look like. Again, it is by FAR been my most successful publication so far. Again, I thank each and EVERY reader. I hope you enjoy it.

Alright it is back to it, and I'm hoping technical difficulties don't keep my writing away from you.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

One Last Look Back

I decided to take a full day off from writing for a couple reasons.

I was mentally and physically drained after that marathon yesterday of editing and formatting. I hadn't published anything in over a year, so Smashword's standards lead to some head scratching if you haven't done it in a while.

Actually, that leads me to my second topic first. I felt so positive about the formatting that I reformatted and put added new covers to my three previous works: Waiting, Fumblerooski, and The Gospel According to John. All three have a table of contents, superior formatting than the versions that came before them, and new back matter that mentions all my present and near future releases.

Look, I understand that these 3 works have made zero dollars for me since they were published. They are my first 3 babies however. I love them. And they also serve as a means to introduce readers to my newer work coming up in Where are our Children and beyond.

Now, onto that present and near future I was talking about. I won't get into specific numbers but 411: Episode 1 of Where are Our Children has had more downloads in its first 12 hours than my previous 3 works combined. I thank EACH and EVERY reader. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you.

Smashwords is the only outlet it is available at the moment of this writing but that should change rapidly over the next few hours and days.

Remember, a fair review is always helpful and appreciated by any Indie Author.

On to the future, but the one last look back was nice...    

Monday, October 20, 2014

Signed, Sealed, Deilvered, it's Yours.

What a day.

I spent a total of 12 hours editing and formatting 411: The first episode of The Where our are Children Series.

I'm exhausted!!!

I'm very excited!!!

A note to readers, as I've stated before, Episodes 1,2,4,5,7, and 8 will be available at Smashwords and your other favorite retailers (besides Amazon) for free. Episodes 3,6, and 9 will sell for $.99 a piece.

The Smashwords version is ready for download today. I am confident that ITunes, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo will have their versions before the weekend.

Again, the Amazon version will be ready almost the same day as the release of Whirlwind: The 9th and final episode on Smashwords.

More release news: Fumblerooski, How the NCAA fumbled the ball on the coming playoff is available as an audio book on It should be ready in day on Amazon and ITunes. I suspect my Twelve Worlds Novelette should be ready on all three formats in day as well. On the audio front as well, I am strongly considering offering The Gospel According to John: How Elway saved us from Tebow, his media cronies and an insufferable fan base as well. I will make that decision by this weekend.

A couple of final notes before I sign off for today, my first three works will probably go off line for a few hours while I resubmit the back matter showing my newest and upcoming releases. (I have to market where I can. (smile) ) 

A special thank you goes to Miss  Corrine Elletson Kilgore. I haven't published to Smashwords in over a year and I wouldn't have got through the meatgrinder without your videos on YouTube. Thank you. 

I will be back hard at writing ( I never want to refer to this as working) Deliverance: Episode 2 either tomorrow or Wednesday.  I don't anticipate any of the remaining Episodes to be as nearly as long as the 35,000 word monster available to you guys right now.

Anyway, at least I have a few things out there for you guys to enjoy. It's signed, sealed, delivered...It YOURS.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Manic Monday

411, the first episode of The Where are our Children Serial Novel is done.

Well, kind of.

The second draft clocked in at over 34,000 words for 10 chapters.  That's nearly 350,000 word total, epic fantasy like numbers for a completed novel. Again, I don't see the finished product finishing nearly that high, but I'm not going try to condense it. The words are flowing as I had intended them to. This is what I want. And I'm having a ball doing it. That's something that I NEVER thought I would say about writing again. 

Anyone, Monday is going to be CRAZY. I'm going into polish mode, waxing this draft until I can make it shine, then try and format it and then make it fit through Smashword's meatgrinder tomorrow night.

Wish me luck...I'm going to need it.

In the meantime, I  designed the covers for the first 10 stories that I like to bill as Short Tales of Fiction, with a 5 volume cover and a 10 volume cover. 12 releases all together in this first wave. Each short tale will appear as a stand alone story, then it will appear again in within a 5 story volume, and one final time in a 10 story volume. I'll explain more about all of this series as we get closer to it's release. This series begins immediately after A House of Chains is completed.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Telling Secrets

Another early posting, after a marathon 4 hour writing session that netted me over 4000 words in Xavier's first chapter. I can't tell you that it is my best chapter, ultimately that is up to you, the reader to decide, but it flowed out of me easier than anything I've rewritten so far. One reason, I gather is that I could tell that I had reached a certain comfort level by this time around the first time I wrote the first draft.

Anyway, after I complete this blog and some other publishing things, I'm probably putting the computer down for the rest of the day and kick my feet up and watch so college football during the day and some hockey tonight. I think I've earned the break.

I've redone my interview on Smashwords for anyone who would like to venture over there for a peek. I talk a lot about this novel. I even give some insights about some of the characters.

I'm gonna try and upload a picture of the cover for 411, the first episode in the Where are our Children Serial so you guys can get a look see. I tried it yesterday but the computer kept freezing up. I don't know whether it was my computer or blogger. So no promises...

But get a look at the interview. I tell a little bit about the process over there.

And I share a few secrets...

Friday, October 17, 2014

Keep on Moving on

I posting a bit early today, with a day off from work, I'm doing some things a little different than my last few working days.

Anyway, I noticed I didn't post my word count the other day and I'm going to stop that for a bit. Again, the first draft of this novel is already completed. I'm adding new prose in spots, and taking it away in others. It is running long right now, though Chris' first chapter is the first one I've done a second draft on that felt close to a 'normal' chapter size.

Word count is going to be important to me moving forward, but I will post the WHY to that later on. It's a doozy. One project at a time, though. After hitting a rough patch in Seth's first chapter, I really felt back on track writing Chris POV.

Oh Yea, I guess its time to explain this Chris chapter...Angel chapter stuff...

George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy book series is the best prose I've ever read. Period.  One of the things that causes of very complex story to flow easier is how Martin titles his chapters after is Point of View (POV) characters. He says he adapted the template from one of his favorite writers Jack Vance as I adopted it from Martin.

I'm not trying to be Martin. I will NEVER be that good. But the POV approach to storytelling works well for me in telling Where are our Children. I hope it works well for readers as well.

Barring some unforeseen setback I can see the first episode of this 9 part arc published  to Smashwords late Monday. I haven't put anything through their meatgrinder in a while so I can't honestly speak to how long after that it starts to appear at retailers.  

I feel good today.

I keep on moving on...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Price of Success

The Where are our Children Serial Novel will be priced this way: Episodes 1,2,4,5,7 and 8 will be available for free, while the remaining parts 3,6, and the finale number 9 will be priced at $.99 a piece. That's $2.99 (if I'm figuring my math correctly-- and that is a big if) for the entire story which I think more than fair.

I've given my first three works: Waiting ( A Twelve Worlds Novelette), Fumblerooski, and The Gospel According to John for free on over outlet except Amazon, which doesn't allow it, all for over a year now. It's old news that I never thought I would write again. So it didn't bother me to leave these titles that way. I wanted to be read and I have. I want to have compensation for being read. So these titles will remain at their current pricing for the foreseeable future. But it is time to grow this thing. So all titles published will be priced at least at  $.99. I hope to have a lot to offer over the next few weeks, months and years.

In speaking of those older titles: All three are available in paperback editions through Amazon and Createspace and are priced at $5.99 each. Waiting and Fumblerooski should be for sale as audiobooks any day now. And I leaning towards having The Gospel According to John produced as well, even though I'm sure it won't have even an hour's running time.

Here's my current scheduled pricing template:

Short Tales of Fiction $.99
A bundle of five stories $2.99
A bundle of ten stories $3.99
Where are our Children (Novel Version) $2.99
Createpace Editons of a bundle of ten stories: TBD
Audiobook Editions of a bundle of ten stories: TBD
Where are our Children (Createspace) TBD
Where are our Children (Audiobook) TBD

I'll announce each and every release and reminder of price here, on twitter, and my Facebook page.

There is a price to pay for success.

I'm reaching for it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Createspace and Audiobook

Before I get to the third and final part of my "Big" announcement about what happened to me last night. I got in around 800 words which puts me over 20000 for the rewrite so far. But for the first time since I restarted my writing (remember my blog entry on the 11th) I really hit what I've come to call my Wall of Criticism. Anyone who has done anything creative knows what I mean: This is stupid, do you know how many people try and fail at his, know one is ever going to buy what you are selling.

Well, I fought through it. I still have the last have of Seth's first chapter to finish then it will be Chris' first chapter. I'm going to do some more errands, finalize some covers for the Smashwords serial edition, and hit the sack. I'll get up before work and do actual writing in the morning, with some luck in that regards.

As for the final part of the announcement, I will publish what I'm going to title:  the Where are our Children Complete and Uncut on Createspace (print on demand for anybody who doesn't know) and the audiobook version which will be available through Amazon, Audible. com, and ITunes.

This final version will feature the Smashwords entry plus the epigraphs that I've created throughout the book. With the project split up during the serial they felt like they were causing a disconnect and in the Amazon version they don't fir either because that entry will reader fast the first version. The final version will present this novel as I've always intended it to be presented.

By the way, if you don't know what an epigraph is look up authors like Karen Traviss or Frank Hebertts' Dune series. Nobody in the business uses these fascinating way of sneaking information, plot and suspense in better than these two.

Fiction Words: 800
Covers Designed: 11

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Part 2of my announcement is that in an addition to the Serial Smashwords  version, there will be an Amazon Exclusive Addition. This version will be a single, leaner version than the previous edition. I know for sure that it will start in a different place but will conclude in the same spot.

Again, it is important to ME to tell this tale initially as it came to me four years ago. There is nothing wrong with this tale told this way. The serial offers me a chance to expand it without worrying about pace. It also allows a meaty enough download for a reader to feel that he got enough for his time.   The amazon version will drive the same plot in a more streamlined manner. Some of the back stories will be omitted, for the sake of pace.    

One more part to this announcement tomorrow.

Fiction Words: 2400 est
Covers Made: 0

Monday, October 13, 2014

Serial novel

After I thought about it overnight, I decided the big announcement should be broken up into 3parts over three days.

BIG ANNOUCEMENT #1 I is that Where are our Children will be a Serial Novel for Smashwords and their family of retailers. It will be told in 9 parts with the first episode being published early next week.

Why you may ask?

Well, when I wrote the original first draft it clocked in at over 144,000 words. Whoa, I said.  5 chapters into the 2nd draft of this puppy and I logged over 16500 words already. If I'm doing my math right, I'm at 3300 a chapter meaning my 90 chapter book will finish somewhere underneath 300000 words.

Again, Whoa.

First, I know that won't happen because I knew these initial had a lot of set up in them. The more I look back at this thing, the more I realize it's a pretty dense plot. Yet, straight forward enough. There are no more chapters in the novel bigger than those I've already rewritten. I know this. So this average per chapter will start to fall somewhere soon.

Anyway, I promised myself that I would finish this thing. The second promise I made to myself is that I would let go. And letting it go means writing this thing as its coming to me.  And I have let a point.

Tune in tomorrow for the 2nd part of this big announcement. I've got more to say on this...

Rewritten Fiction: Approx 3600 words.
Covers Designed: 1

Sunday, October 12, 2014


The "lite" version of my birthday celebration went well. What I mean by that is that my bride and I took a trip last month, our first (and hopefully) venture of the country. So with her birthday in August we kind of wrapped both of the events and expenses around that trip to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. So we just went and saw Denzel Washington's latest flick and had an inexpensive lunch and came back to the house around 4:30 pm with a smile on both our faces.

I had full intentions of doing some work: Setting up a tumblr, facebook, twitter and other social networking outlets as well as looking over the State of Florida's mandates about running a small business but never got around to it as I started writing right away. Back to that in a minute. As far as the social networking goes, I've decided that I need a presence on each platform but I'm going to spend very little time there. The idea is to blog daily here, copy and paste, and link it to the other sites. My chances at success with plan are about an average number of sales against a high volume of production. That's it. It's that simple. It's that challenging. My storytelling ability and production abilities will ultimately decide how successful this venture truly is. More specifics on this on a later date, (smile)

Like I said, I started writing at 4:30 pm and if you take a few potty and stretching breaks I'd put up 7677 words by the time a dropped into bed at 2am. I only WISH that was a typo. Again, these are not original words. This is this novel's second draft. But I've never written that much prose in a single day in my life.

The bad news is...if there is EVER bad news with that kind of production, is that I only finished Serena's first chapter, which is the novel's third chapter if you count the Prologue (which I do.) Then Thomas first chapter engulfed the remainder of that 7000 plus word count. Yikes!

When I originally wrote the first draft 4 years ago, I felt these early chapters ran long. I will say that I see very little fluff in them. This novel had a lot of plot. Whether that plot pushes the story, you the ready will have to decide.

Anyway, when I started this project up again, I promised myself I would let the chips fall where they may, or I my critical voice would interfere, I would never finish it, and I would set it aside forever. I don't want to do that.

I've been long winded again. I'm going to work on the first Angel chapter today. I don't expect 7000 words but who knows? I'm going to stop the writing aspect long enough to watch my beloved but pitiful Jaguars while setting up those social sites as I scream and yell at my TV, then back to writing as much as I can stand before I return to the Job tomorrow.

Note: A major announcement is coming tomorrow.
Stay tuned.

Fiction Words Produced: 7677
Where are our Children to date: 12874
No Covers Made

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Rest of my life starts today

I'm back

Where do I begin? I've been away for nearly a year. Sometimes life gets in the way. Most of the time I get in my own way. Yet, today, my 45th birthday seemed like the ideal day to restart this blog. I don't want to be long winded or cover the ground I've covered here and in other spots before. I have been on again...mostly off again writing since I was 15 years ago. 30 freaking years ago. (smile) I have produced 2 shorts stories, 2 articles, and the first draft of a novel during that span. Pathetic. (smile) And I have learned a lot along the way. And I think I've finally done what is to finally do what is necessary to be more productive. I think I've found a way to conquer my fear. I think. So today...of all days, just feels right to post that I'm back. But the production just didn't start today.

The long winded part:

I've been busy with stuff over the past month. Both Waiting and Fumbleroosk: How the NCAA Dropped the Ball on the Coming Playoff will be available as audiobooks soon. Waiting was produced by Kandra Dawn Johnson and Fumblerooski was produced by Jason B Hilton. I'm more than pleased with the results. I've opted not to do the Tebow book as an audiobook  as well only because I doubt it will be an hour's production.

The last part about these three tales that have been available for $.99 on Amazon and FREE in every other ebook retailer is that I have also published them as trade paperbacks on Createspace. All three are available for $5.99. I own these copies and they are nice. I'm going to use a smaller size moving forward for future works though, (smile)

Enough about the past, let's talk about the future.
The long awaited second draft of my novel, Where are our Children is in process as I type this. I am rewriting three scenes a day meaning if my math is correct, readers may have this puppy on their favorite reading device by Veteran's Day.

Quick note( In speaking of writing veterans) I have been reading Dean Wesley Smith's blog. If you aspire to become a professional author, or trying to climb back onto the writing horse as I have you'll want to read this author's blog. He is the ultimate professional. He treats writing as it truly is which is a business first. He is a truth teller. He's' helped get me going again.

So each day, I'm going to post my words written and the projects I'm working on. My calendar year (and the goals for that year) won't appear until Children is finally finished. I want to use this blog to hold myself accountable for new words of production.

I have a lot more to pass on but in can hold for at least another day. I've been long winded enough for a single day. 

Where are our Children? 5197 revised words. 5197 total.
0 Covers made