Saturday, December 27, 2014

just map it

Like I said yesterday, I am probably going to start writing Betrayals on Monday.

I did finish mapping out a physical map of my 12 Worlds Universe for if and when I write in that world again. Again, "Worlds" is a relative term for 12 actual systems. Planets and outposts exist within each system. Waiting took place on Artemis Space Station which is in the Core along with Earth.

Anyway, I had fun putting it together. I'm working on aspects over the next days and weeks as well. Plus, I'm looking at some other setups for other writing projects as well.

I'm just mapping it.

Friday, December 26, 2014

The Sabbath

No writing on Betrayals today. I'm looking to start up on Episode 6 of Where are our Children on Monday.

Back to the Job today.

I have, however, been working on the backstory of my next project (to be named later)

I'm getting a lot done that arena.

Wish me luck.

And enjoy the rest of the Sabbath.   

Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Wonderful Day Indeed

Nothing much to add to my title today.

Merry Xmas to all.

Oh yea, I'm watching the Dark Knight Returns. This is the animated version of Frank Miller's classic from the 1980's.

OMG it's wonderful.

I could only WISH to write a tale this good.

It is a wonderful day indeed. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

No Christmas Messages and I Mean it

Well we are almost there.

Yep, the most wonderful day of the year is upon us.

And I refuse to give any kind of Christmas message. I mean it. I'm not the type. And you guys don't know my at any personal level to get anything out of it from my anyway.

I mean Christmas messages are so dull and corny.

I won't go there.

I won't.

I'll just give thanks for all the standard things: Family, health, a better than average roof over my head, friends, and stuff like that.

From a business point I can point to five more published works than last year. I can say that I have 2 audio books and 5 trade paperbacks out as well.

I'm thankful for Where are our Children. I'm thankful that it helped me get back into writing. I'm thankful for all those have enjoyed reading it. I'm thankful for my other works being rekindled because of this work being out there.

I'm thankful I'm over half way done with this project.

I'm thankful that I have ideas for other projects on the horizon.

Merry Christmas to each and every one of you who support me by downloading my stuff and reading this blog or my tweets.

I'm thankful that I didn't deliver the standard Christmas Message.

And I mean that.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

in the Public Domain

I got Zero Hour uploaded to Amazon today. That means that the trade paperback will be ready on Amazon's site for ordering.

Now with that completed the latest in the Where are our Children should be available at most outlets. It took a bit to get it there, but it's there. Enjoy.

Well, now that I'm over half way through this series, I'm looking forward some.

Real briefly, I've had some interest of what is available in the public domain.

The reason being, is that a series or two that could make some interesting use of. I've got some more investigating to do. I'm just in the preliminary stages of a couple of projects, but I'm excited.

And when I get out. (smile)

From a short story point of view, these series could last years.

You stay tuned.

I'll watch the public domain.

Let's see what we could get done together.       

Monday, December 22, 2014

Having a Google Day

I repeat myself a lot here so here we again.

I can't compare my downloads to anyone else because I can't view what is going on with anyone else's books. I only have the standards of previous downloads to go. And by comparison of first downloading, Zero Hour is a success especially considering that it debuted on a Sunday, which has been a slow reading day over at Smashwords.

Either someone, somewhere, likes this series or they are faking it very well. (smile)

Again thanks for the support and downloads.

I've got the latest episode uploaded at Kobo as well and I'm going to try to get Google Play/Books done as well today.

I haven't talked much about Google since I started publishing over there but I think I should start changing that fact. My books do far better than they do at ITunes (especially fiction). It is also neat that you get to see the countries that are doing the downloading as well. Good stuff to be sure.

Anyway, I feel great for a lot of reasons: Got a power nap after work last night which was my best this weekend. Zero Hour did very well in the 24 hours or so that it has been up. And I did some brainstorming a two or three series that I believe could be successful as either short tales of fiction or novels, we'll see.

Anyway, I'm out of here for today.

Have a Google of a day.    

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Wait Times

Happy Sunday

I hope everyone is having a wonderful, safe holiday.

I hope I can contribute to the fun.

The Zero Hour is up at Smashwords.

No wait times.

Go download it when you like.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Liars never win

And winners never lie. Or something to that affect.

Anyway, i got about 75% of my formatting done but life and lack of time got in the way.

I thought that i would finish today but did not.


Again, winners never lie and liars never win.

Check back tomorrow. I should have the rest of the formatting done.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Tomorrow is a day away

The final edit for the Zero Hour is done.

I still have a few things to do before I began my work week so I won't rush the formatting.

I will do the formatting tomorrow afternoon after I get up.

Saturday is traditionally a slow download day, I expect it to be especially slow considering this Saturday being one of the biggest shopping days of the holiday season.

But I'm going to think of my readers. If there is one or even two of you out there who can't wait to get a copy of this puppy on Smashwords as soon as you can-- then I owe it to you to provide it.

Remember, tomorrow is only a day away.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


My terrible jags got it done 2 night. 

As far as my writing, i'm about 80 percent done with the zero hour.

I had a ton of out of the house stuff ro do b4 i return 2 work tomorrow night.

But i still got most of my writing done. I will finish this chapter done 2 night and start final edits and formatting after a long sleep 2 night.

Anyway, lets hear one for me.

And one for the big cats from jax


Seven Whole Days

I'm reminded of the Tony Braxton song when I post tonight.

I haven't posted in seven whole days.

I haven't WRITTEN in seven whole days.

I said that I wouldn't post here or on Twitter until I wrote again.

Well, I hopped back on the horse tonight. I finished to whole chapters.

And despite a very busy schedule tomorrow, I expect to finish this draft of Zero Hour tomorrow. I will edit and upload by Friday.

I'm not perfect. If u don't believe that then ask my wife or mom, they will be more than happy to tell you. (smile)

I'm scared that all of this is for nothing.

I'm afraid that the critical voice is going to eventually win.

That voice that keeps telling me that my writings are garbage. Or that no one will read it...or those who read it will hate it. Or that I'm going to never make money from this. Or that I'm to tired too do this, or too old to start now, or that I can't wait three years or five years for readers to manifest themselves...

Believe me folks, I could go on with that last paragraph the rest of the night.

Seven whole days.

I 'm here. I won't make promises. But I am here.

Talk to you tomorrow.   

Thursday, December 11, 2014

When Insanity greets Insanity

Real quick:

Last night I told u guys that I officially went over the half way point of the Where are our Children Serial.

During one of the scenes in Zero Hour, a major character ask a group of other characters how do you answer insanity?

Ultimately, the answer would be that you answer insanity...with MORE insanity.

If you thought the first half of this serial has some insane moments... ain't seen nothing yet.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Upon Official Review

I'm there., not there. Not yet, at least. I haven't finished the Where are our Children Serial yet. I'm not even finished with the 5th episode which will be called Zero Hour.

I am officially at the half way point of the serial.

And without the polish to this section still to come, I'm at over 164,000 words. And if I'm doing my math correctly, that would put me over 328,000 total for the serial at this pace.

I'm done speculating how long this will be by then. The final word count will be what it is.

I have been thinking once again about doing a single volume for Amazon. But WOW what a weekend or so it would take to format that monster.

Anyway, upon further review, guys, we're halfway there.

Hold on to hope.

I most certainty will.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Why ask Why

I try to never talk about specific downloads or sales here. I think it's tacky. But I will tell you that today was the most downloads that one of my titles (Past Prologue) has ever received, to my knowledge, in one day.

To day that I was astounded would be a huge understatement. The title has been out for 8 days. I wish I could bottle up the reason this happened and open it anytime I wish but I can't. And again they are downloads and not sales. I could only dream of having a day like this one in sales.

Anyway, thank u all who helped make this such a historic day for me. I hope I enjoy Where are our Children's continuing storyline. I'm on my way to work on Zero Hour within the hour.

Sometimes you have just take good fortune when it comes.

Why ask why?

Monday, December 8, 2014

short n sweet

nothing much to report today.

I'm pushing just past the half way point, though 2 releases before Christmas seems unlikely.

Come back tomorrow.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Half's and the Half's nots

I got through work last night relatively unscathed. I have almost 24 whole hours off before I start my final 5 day stretch before some well deserved time off. Wish me Luck.

I managed to get a lot of thinking and planning done last night. I'm very close to making an announcement about permanent plans in my writing future after Children is done. I think I'll sleep on it and let it spin around in my head a little longer. I want to be crystal clear in my own mind before I announce it.

I spent considerable time on twitter in the past 24 hours. I'll be honest...I haven't had a lot of personal or professional use for it. That changed over the past day. I plan to spend more time over there, especially for Nest Egg Publishing. I will continue mostly writing talk on this blog and my thoughts on everything else in the world over there. We all make professional errors in judgment. I think ignoring the power of Twitter has been one of mine.

Well, I'm off for a power nap. Busy, busy, busy when I get up. I have a date with my terrible Jags. Xavier's chapter is on the agenda today and then its off to work and play on Twitter.

When X's chapter is done it will officially mark passing the half way point of the serial.


The half's and half's nots.           

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Giving the Devil his Due

Another day, another chapter done somehow...someway.

This is the most 'physically tired I've been in some time. I've worked the better part of 7 days in a row with 6 more still to go. Most of these hours have been at night so I've been trying to sleep during the day. This is the last night though, before I switch to days Monday. (Yea)

Real quick: I talk a lot on this blog about Where are our Children. I've got to give some props to my second and third creations Fumblerooski and The Gospel According to John. These sports articles are doing fabulous on ITunes in terms of downloads. Fumblerooski moved all the way up to number 3 in the football category and in the top 5 for sports all together.

I think they've really been on a run because the true playoff is forming as I write this and you read it. I'm proud of every word I write. But as I publish more, I think it easy to put older works on the back burner and talk exclusively about new stuff. The nature of the beast sometimes.

Anyway, thanks to the downloaders of all my writings.

But Fumblerooski deserved a moment of special recognition for what its accomplished. 

Sometimes you have to give the Devil its due.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Falling for Anything

I'm trying to make it through a difficult work schedule and get my writing in. I managed to get most of the second chapter of Zero Hour done. I will try to work on the third today but that will be a supreme challenge.

Let me share some very early observations about where Zero Hour is at this stage and where I am as a writer of it at this stage as well.

Thomas delivers his findings that he promised Mayor Ernestine Johnson that he would. I employed a writing device that I've rarely seen used that you guys will notice when you read it. I think it's affective.

Those who have read Past Prologue noticed a little device that occurred between Angel's/Seth's back to back chapters concerning Denise Prince. This was planned all along. These two chapters are happening at the same time. Again, I think it works. I hoped you did as well.

Finally, Louis Keaton opens Zero Hour. I will say this. If you guys read my Smashwords interview you'll see that I state that Louis is a difficult character for me to right because of all that is going on with the guy. This chapter was THE MOST DIFFICULT section that I've written in my entire life. I'm not talking from a grammar or setting or anything like that. The content was disturbing even to me. But I can tell any of you who have written fiction before that you learn things about characters that you didn't know when you created them. I learned a lot about Keaton. He makes more sense to me that he ever did before. But I had to get him (and me) through some disturbing scenes to get there. I'm better now. I think the Where are our Children serial has more depth because of it. I'm leaving all of the content in. It is not gratuitous. It is not taboo. It is disturbing. Some won't like it and won't finish the series  because of it. I get it. I respect that. I respect you. Give it a shot though. I think that you will see what I see as you move on in the series the importance of this scene playing out in full the way that it did. 

You have to stand for something in this world...or you'll fall for anything.    

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Only Sleep When You Are Dead

Another busy day.

I'm mostly dealing with the Job and my schedule there. I will try to fit the next chapter of Zero Hour in at some point today but sleep and outside business had to be taken care of first.

Good news on most if not all fronts on Past Prologue: It made it through the meatgrinder at Smashwords and is on the way to all of the subsidiaries of that distributor so look for it over the next few hours and day where you have found all the others. The trade paper back edition is ready as well and as much as I like the cover edition for the first three, I especially like this one. My plan is to have Past Prologue, Zero Hour and Betrayal use this similar template and then use a third template for the final three volumes of the series. Look for them.

In speaking of Past Prologue, I am off as soon as I leave his blog to post if over at Google Books. After a slow start, downloads have really picked up of my works over there. So if you like that  outlet for your downloading, I have a prescience on that site as well.

Well, let me go try to get this stuff done before I am off for the bill payer once again.

Maybe, I'll get some sleep this week.

Yet, then again, maybe I'll only sleep when I'm dead. (smile)       

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


I am REALLY pressed for time today so I won't keep you guys.

I was able to get the first chapter of Zero Hour done today. I'm pretty happy with it though I missed one pretty critical passage that I'll need to insert a little later.

Let's just say that this chapter causes a major escalation in hostilities.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas Time is Here

I have been VERY busy over the past 24 hours. In the time that I've returned to writing and publishing, I'm learning that these upload days are like this.

I never get tired of saying this and I'm hopeful that you guys never get tired of hearing it: Thank you all for your downloads during this time. Yesterday was the busiest day that I've seen generated on the Smashwords website since I started publishing over there. I truly hope that some of you return to there and other downloading spots to purchase my writings when I move on to that stage after this serial is completed. But again thank you for the downloads and the love you've shown my writing.

I published to Kobo and my trade paperback edition should be ready at Amazon outlets over the next 12 to 24 hours. 

Oh yea, I did make a sale on Amazon the other day of Fumblerooski. Again thank you to whoever made that purchase.

I truly want to get back to writing tomorrow but that will be tough. I have work, sleep, and business outside of the house tomorrow. It's going to be tough. But I want to start on my goal of two more published episodes before Christmas.

Ah, Christmas time is here and hopefully so is more of my writing.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Sometimes the Past is now Present

I worked all morning formatting Past Prologue and I can officially announce that it is DONE.

The free download should now be ready at Smashwords.

Amazon's $0.99 copy should be ready by the end of the day. Remember folks, if enough of you price match, Amazon will drop that price.

I will likely format for Kobo, Google Play/Books and Createspace tomorrow.

The rest of you of use outlets associated with the Smashwords family will have to wait another day or so.

A few notes about the episode itself:
I was surprised when I saw a 35,000 word document staring back at me. It didn't feel nearly that big as I was writing it. I know I went through that terrible period when I didn't know whether I would complete it or not, but once I started up again it felt like the story came right back to me.

In the humble opinion of the guy who wrote it, Episode 4 feels like my most competent work yet. It doesn't have a signature moment the way Deliverance had Serena's (spoiler space) daring escape or Rapture's (more spoiler space) liberation of Carver in it, but I think I portray my characters best in this book. They as well as the world they live in never have felt more real to me.

Anyway, I hope that you readers out there enjoy it. With no unforeseen delays I expect to have Episodes 5 and 6 up before Christmas. I wanted to have this entire project done by the first of the year but that is asking the near impossible.

For now, enjoy Past Prologue.

The Past is now Present.