Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Another round of brainstorming

A lot of ideas hitting me.

I'm also leaning towards one short story a month, keeping the process fun and free.

And the rewrite of where are our children could be done over the 90 days of summer.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

orson scott card

I know the guy has some hard line opinions on religion and politics but his book on characters and viewpoints is a bible as far as I'm concerned when it comes to creating characters.

I'm not sure whether it is still in print or not, but if you can find a copy, it's worth the time and effort.

Snowlfake Method

let's see if I can do do this without looking at my guide...

Snowflake Method for Writing Novels:

1 Eye Catching Opening

 An opening event or events to catch reader's attention. May only be marginally associated with main focus of novel.

2. Follow Up

Introductions of major characters and their reactions to the opening stanza. These scenes lead up to the first plot point.

3. Plot Point

The unofficial official beginning of your novel. This is the event that truly sets things in motion. You must use a character or series of characters to set this event in motion.

4. Rising Action/Drama

Any final major characters must be introduced here. Relationships are strained. Major characters tested. Plot moves forward.

5. Climax

The high point (or low point) of your novel is reached. Delivered on all foreshadowed promises. Characters must be changed emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically.

6. Reversals

Just when things couldn't look worse for your major characters it does. An outside influence may aid your plotting here: aliens, nature, natural catastrophe, a betrayer. Deliver something not foreshadowed here.   

7. Lowering Action/Drama

Characters fight through to the finale. We learn more about them through their actions.

8. Continuing Lowering Action/Drama

Characters slog through to the finale. These are your novel's dog days here. Tough it off though. You are almost home.

9. Though Producing Closing

This scenes wrap up a single volume novel. They also open up the door for new adventures in a series novel. Characters must be changed from the beginning.   

Again, I may not be the resource to listen to on this matter. I only have a first draft of a novel done, but without this method I would not have ever completed this. I do far MORE than this, in coming up with my scenes, but this is one of my initial steps.

If this helps ANY body then it's been more than worth of the time typing it up.


I'm leaning towards doing something with a familiar title, format. I want readers to be able to download a tale, and be able to download ANY other title without having to think about where, when, or how events took place before or after this present work.

I'm hesitant, because I want to make a competent decision and not look back. I want to look forward.

One thing is if I choose this course, I will be left with an unlimited supply of story ideas.

Choosing this category allows me simpler cover art as well.   

Smashwords Annoucement

Smashwords blogged an article of accepting more artist into a program that makes them available to Indie Authors who may want to use them to design e-book covers. I am considering using one or more of these folks myself. Anyone else out there may want to take a look at this article.

happy tuesday

I seem to finally be getting over this cold. Good.

I'm doing a little template, and putting together plans for two stories to publish in April. Better

More importantly, I am plugging away at doing something long term. Best.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Steven Erikson

Just hanging out on amazon this evening. Steven erikson is the creator of the completed Malazan Book of the Fallen series. The only book in the series that I read from end to end was the 2nd Deadhouse Gates. I'll tell you that he is one of the great prose writer's I have ever crossed. I will also tell you that he has created a universe so dense that it makes LOTR seem childish, and George R R Marin's A song of Ice and Fire's violence, also childish in comparison.

I can't truly recommend him, but in studying good writing, he is a must.  


Being the caretaker for an elderly parent isn't easy.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Where Are our Children part 2?

More about this first draft.

I wrote the entire first draft in 2009. You guys remember 2009 don't you? You remember the Great Recession? You remember all of the people laid off?

Well, I was one of them. Between the winter of 2008 and the Spring of 2012 I probably was out of work for five different stints or 16 months total.

By the way I'm back and I believe that the layoffs for me have now ended totally.

Anyway, back to 2009....

Man I was scared. For the first time in my adult life I really felt this job was over and my prospects of recovering my income and the life I'd built for my family were coming to an end. Listen, I don't want to disrespect what ANY of you may have experienced during the same time period. Some never recovered. I'm blessed. I know it. That's why I take care of my JOB when I'm on it.

Well while I waited for us to start back up, I wrote the first draft of Children in about six months, Once again, I'd played around with this storyline in my head for years, but finally I got it down and saved on my hard drive.

Real quick: I used the Snowflake Method for construction of the novel. Google it. I advice anyone who wants to write a novel to use it. It works. On the character side I leaned on a book by Orson Scottt Card called Character and Viewpoint. It's well worth the investment in terms of writing (hopefully) well rounded characters.

Anyway, writing Children helped me fight a depression I felt about myself and where my future was heading. I cried a lot writing that first draft. I was scared. I was moody. I was distant. But those scenes and those characters gave me something to focus a ton of bottled up anxiety I was feeling at that time.

It's a dark story. Really dark.

I incororporated a much bleaker economic endgame than the one we truly came through.

But people don't believe me when I say it's NOT about race.

It IS about people, and how terrible our individual decisions can affect others.

More later...

Where are our Children?

I also have a second draft of my novel to consider.

Here's the gist of it if I haven't spoke about it here before.

In the early 1980's there was a terrible string of abductions and killings of young black men the Atlanta area the media began calling The Atlanta Child Murders.

Wayne Williams was ultimately captured, charged, and convicted with enough of those hideous crimes that he is serving time today.

Where are our children is a fictional account that there were parallel kidnappings going on at the same time of these by Wayne Williams and what happens when those abductions begin again, now, in our time. (Actually in 2011 when the first draft of this novel was written.)

I consider it a character driven novel. Here are some of the key players:

Christopher Prince:  He was the only child to escape the clutches of a mad men all of those years ago. This haunts him. He is now a FBI Special Agent leading the investigation when Atlanta's children of color go missing again.

Xavier Prince: Chris' half brother who leads a brotherhood I've chosen to call A House in Chains. They are America's equivalent of Hamas. Some feel they are terrorist. Others feel they are freedom fighters. All know they are a ruthless, efficient organization bent on retrieving the children by any means necessary.

Serena Tennyson: The leader of Pandora. They consider themselves patriots who don't want to see the hierarchy in America disturbed by their sworn enemies in the House of Chains.

Angel Hicks Dupree: A childhood friend of Chris, who is now a Clinical Physcologist working with the FBI. Yet, she is carrying a dark secret that could destroy everyone around her.

Thomas Pepper: An award winning journalist who is tabbed by the House of Chains to find out the truth of what is going on and more importantly...the disaster that is still to come.

Roxanne Sanchez: A private investigator who is running from one truth in her past while trying to find out another that will effect Christopher Prince.

Seth Dupree: A highly respected surgeon and the husband of Angel. Unbeknown to her, he follows her to Atlanta and witnesses atrocities that will test his will to survive.

Hugh Keaton: He has been and now is a instrument used by Serena to carry out these abductions. And yet, his final tale is something that no one involved sees coming.

Sorry to be so long winded, but I had to get it out about a tale that meant so much to me when I was writing it. More later...

Looking at my options

I want to stick to one series or the other. I see the long term gains of a reader recognizing my work simply by cover art or a title.

One of my issues with 12 worlds is where would a reader be comfortable entering this series. Both of my other ideas allows the reader to come in at anytime, leave, and come again without missing a beat.

Again, looking at all of my options...     

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Temendous Opportunity

I'm 43 years old. I'll be 44 late this year. Think about it. If I wrote 2 story a month over the next 20 years that's 240 stories.

I'm thinking I should still be physically and mentally competent by then.

Look, again my idea is to be read. I would really enjoy being read. If I choose to do 12 worlds or something else, I have a chance to so something creative with minimum pressure. This is not going to change my financial status. I don't need to pressure myself like that.

I already work everyday that I'm scheduled. Often, more than that. I'm doing what I can in that department.

This...THIS gives me a chance to be creatdive. Doing a comic book without actually doing a comic book. Doing Law and Order without doing Law and Order. Doing the old style Pulp Magazines in a new format called E Readers which I don't think is going away anytime soon. Doing Space Opera which I've always enjoyed on screen and on the page.

Yea, a tremendous opportunity indeed. 


Boy, am I mouthing off tonight.

If I choose to explore this universe further....first let me address what my biggest concerns are while I'm thinking about it.

1. Cover Art.
2. Telling Tales in a linear method.
3. Cover Art. (Not a typo.)

Anyway, back to Artemis. I have some story ideas for all of the principal characters involved in that storyline, so yes, you, the reader, would see them all again. Though, I doubt they will ever appear in the same tale again.

Artemis Space Station will certainly be seen again. I have LOTS of ideas where the station is concerned.   

12 Worlds

If I choose to go on with 12 worlds stories I'll need to figure out ALOT of things.


First, I'll need to create these 12 worlds. I have some of them already. Three of the four populated areas are in The Core, The Belt, and Centauri space which were at least introduced in Waiting. I have an idea for the fourth, but it's not clear yet.

This second story would take place on one of the Centauri worlds.


After my rewrite of Waiting, I figured that I wanted all of the races presented to be human. I'm not sure yet if I'll use androids are not, but I have a story or two about Clones to tell, some this year in fact.


This one is giving me pause. I have to tell some things as they come to me so telling this thing in a linear way will be nearly impossible. I'm also exploring the option of telling stories in three distinct time periods. Again, something I have to explore.   

a director

I've only finished 3 short stories, a first draft of novel, and one non fiction piece ( Fumblerooski) so I don't have a lot of room to talk.

But If I could have anyone in Hollywood direct the movies based on my work it would be Edward Zwick. If you are unfamiliar with the name, I'm sure you know his work: Blood Diamond, Glory, The Last Samurai, among others.

He seems to have an eye for cinematography, and an ear for social issues concerning race, religion, and history.

Just a pipe dream. 

About 9 steps

Hopefully, my 9 step process will be helpful to someone out there. I wish I was brilliant enough to claim ownership over it's creation.

Some folks try to mask the steps while they are writing, but I don't let that concern me. I hope the reader has chosen my story because they were interested in the category, topic, cover, and something I previously wrote.

Here goes my Law and Order reference again:

I love the original Law and Order. Believe it or not I  didn't discover it on any semi regular basis until about 8 years ago while it was in it's height of syndication on TNT and TBS. I would watch those back to back episodes every night I could.

My point about Law and Order is that it's format is exactly the same every episode. If you tune in 15 minutes in you can expect to be here, if you come in at the 30 minute mark you will be here...and so on.

This is what I want my short stories to be like for a reader. I want them to recognize the quarter mark, the half way mark...and so one.

The characters and the setting may change, but the style is the same.

A short story in 9 steps

Back to something writing related, this is my 9 step method for writing short stories regardless of genre.

Teaser/Opening: Introduction of Point of View character and an opening situation to catch a reader's attention.

Exposition Whore: Yea, I said whore. I use this terminology from a article I read about Game of Thrones on HBO. The producers of the show often explain exposition by having it mouthed from naked women on the screen. The point is to keep a viewer/reader's attention while passing on important information. I try to do this as well through interesting action or interaction.

Rising Drama: The scene drives the momentum forward towards my ultimate climax.

Plot Point One: An important foreshadow of things to come is revealed. I like to use the JMS 
(J. Michael Straczynski-the creator of Babylon 5) method. He likes to reveal exactly what will happen and let you the reader/viewer figure out how we will get there from here. 

Climax: My POV is usually at a point where a critical decision to be made. They make it but with a terrible consequence just around the corner.

Reversal: Just when my POV believes he or she has triumphed, the bottom falls out. Hard.

Lowering Drama: The lead scene before all the buildup is revealed.

Plot Point Two: Remember what I promised in Plot Point One? We're here. I just hope you can handle the truth as I've chosen to reveal.

Denouement: Some writers don't feel this scene is necessary and I understand their point of view. I think it's critical. I want readers to know not only what happened to my POV, but if they overcame or even if they were swallowed up by what's happened to them. It also allows me the chance to advance this character if they are to be used again, or if it's one more twist I can present to the reader.       

Lifetime Movie Network

Watching TV with wife. These movies are sooooo over the tip with their portrayal of men.

James Swallow

just got off Amazon. I looked up James Swallow. If You like Sci Fi and you appreciate a simple, straightforward writing style you will enjoy this author. I've read a couple of Star Trek books by him and was more than entertained.

Inner Editor

I've struggled with this before.

I need to turn that inner Editor, that inner voice off. You know, the one who tells you that what you're writing is crap. The one that reminds you that putting in a movie in the blu-ray or watching something on the tube would be more gratifying than struggling through another day making sentences work.

It's tough sometimes. I'm hopeful that I'm as tough.

Small Press Mags

I'm happily surprised that many of those small press magazines and anthologies are still kicking and breathing.

Even before The Great Recession and Self Publishing being pushed to greater heights with the advent of e readers I know these outlets struggled to keep operating.

I haven't sent anything to them in some time, but I hope we're STILL talking about their "struggles" 20 years from now.

About "Waiting"

In case u didn't know...Waiting was published as part of a short story competition back in 2004. It finished 4th out of over a thousand entries.

The story that u can download at sony, smashwords, kobo, barnes and noble, or itunes for free, or at Amazon for $.99 is 3500 words longer, and definitely more expanded.

I give more character to Amadeus (who I thought was far to one dimensional), as well as more insight to Micah and Jonas.

I also expanded on the entire Core, Belt, and Centauri thing in this so called (12 worlds) because in 2004 I really had not expected to return to this fictional universe.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this about my first published work, and something that has always been near and dear to me.

Been busy

I got a little work done.

I studied Orson Scott Card on how prose works at a real personal level.  He calls it tight third person which reads almost like first person. He really gets inside a character's head, and tells readers what he is thinking from the inside out. Of course, the Ender family of books probably showcases this this best.

Spring Break

I've heard that more readers check in the esites during the holidays. Those who may have something to upload this may be your week to do so.


I'm looking 4 honest feedback and what you guys would pay 4 ebooks from Inde Authors. This guideline listed before is strickly MY outlook on it. I truly want YOURS.

Short Stories 500- 7500 words  $0 to $.99
Novelettes and Novellas 7500-50000 words $.99
Short Novels 50000to 100000 $1.99
Long Novels  100000 and up 2.99 to 4.99

OMG this is terrible...

Still tryin 2 get ova this bug. At least I slept well enough last night.

Managed to work on my template yesterday, and will again today.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

2013-14 template

New idea template.
4 novella templates
By 7 days.

1st story fin by end of april

2nd story fin by end of june.

2014- 2 novella templates a month from june 2 dec.

3rd story fin by end of sept

4th story fin by end of dec.

Then 1 novella a month thereafter.

Oh my...

Sinuses are killin me. Been a rough one but I'm nearly thru the last one. Off 4 a week after today.

Proud that my latest idea has come 2gether despite my illness.

Wanna know more then follow along...

More later.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Still trying to get over this little bug. Didn't sleep much last night, but struggled to the JOB anyway.

Otherwise uneventful. thought about my latest idea though, will start drawing up templates this weekend.

I'm so looking forward to that.

More later...(Probably)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

In speaking of Sony...

Fumblerooski was the #1 downloaded free football on Sony. Look, it was only 14 total works available but I still felt tingly inside. ( I don't drink, so I can only guess what tingel feels like.) I am humbly greatful for all those who downloaded it. Thanks. I hope you enjoyed it.

Waiting is actually in the middle of the pack for Science Fiction download.
Again thanks.

I'm going to bed soon and try to sweat out this sickness hovering over me.

Good writing.

Thanks Smashwords

The internet has really become a place to whine. I've done so 2 night.

So when something positive happens I think it's fair 2 acknowledge it.

I contacted Smashwords after my two works did not post to Sony. After they emailed me back, I noticed within 24 hours that it finally was posted.

Sometimes you have to sell someone thanks.

Thanks smashwords.

more later.


I'm sick as a dog. It kinda cams on me about 3pm. I've been battling every since. And yet, I'm going to fight through this, do another day on the JOB cause I'm blessed to have a good one. My family doesn't need me to take a day off.

That's why it pisses (sorry but it does) me off,  when I have to work around moochers.

Again, my sickness, believe it or not, helps me focus. I like the idea I came up with today. It allows me to create a fair number of works a year, while not eating up precious family, JOB, and down time. I AM NOT A MACHINE. I have to remind myself of that sometimes.

I don't try to continue to write to get rich, I write to be read.

More later.  


The JOB was trying today. But what days like this DO four me is it gives me verification that I'm doing things THE RIGHT. I don't want to be famous, I'm not going to be rich. And yet, I am comfortable with the fact that I DONT WANT SOMETHING 4 NOTHING. I know too many people that do.

I sleep WELL at night.

More Later. 

Another Brainstorm

I think I got it. I think I've got it...

Monday, March 18, 2013

the teaser is done.

I got a very late start, but at least I got the teaser done. Time 4 bed. Good Writing.

"Waiting" cover

I've uploaded 2 or 3 different covers for it, but I admit this one really catches my eye.

More on "watchtower"

Will be looking 2 complete this story in next 8 days.

I may b on 2 somethn

I think this blog, google + thing may b working. Waiting had been stalled on a set number of downloads 4 a few dates but saw some action since I restarted blogging.
Thanks 2 all of have both b4 and 2 those who may in the future.

My work can b found at smashwords, barnes n noble, kobo, amazon, apple
pand hopefully sony.

More later

Comic format?

I loved comics as a kid. I'm also versed enuff 2 have read about noir style storytelling in the 1930's. I want to create a hybrid of the two.

Maybe I can publish twice a month over a number of years. Different characters. Different arcs in one universe. Yeah. I'm beginning to like the sound of this. More later.


Its amazing what comes to me while I'm here at work. I'm strongly considering writing nothing but 12 worlds stuff as a continuing arc. More later.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Again, just testing

Trying to get something to work.

just testing a theory

Trying to see if I can link this back to my google plus. Don't mind me.

Late Night

May put in some late night writing.

Sometimes writing writes itself

I was a litle shocked during the writing of the first draft of "Shadows of the Watchtower" at a particular scene towards the end.

I'll admit it came out of nowhere and I didn't plan. It's a little bold, it's a little testy, but if I ever get through the second draft, it absoultely HAS to stay. 

Terminator is still great

Watched the original remastered Terminator today on blu ray. It looked and sounded great though I take a half a star off for the full screen presentation. I'm a wide screen guy, just my personal preference. I certaintly understand why T2 is more popular with the masses, but Terminator sticks more with me because it is more of a Sc Fi flick where T2 seems more of the classic action flick. Just my two cents.   

work in progress

Still working on getting something done today.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


I don't talk about Fumblerooski very much here.

Although I'm a huge sports fan (especially NHL, NFL, and college football) I don't think I'll write another non fiction piece.  Again, I want to feel emotion when I write. I didn't when I wrote that piece. I'm proud of it, of course. I put alot of work into it, I certaintly believe in the system I created, but it  felt so matter of fact by the time I finished it.

I'm not going to unpublish it though.


Does anyone know the setting on your computer to stop your cursor from hopping around as you type. THIS IS SO ANNOYING.

Shadow of the Watchtower

This tale will be about a group of women missionaries who call themselves The Sisters. They are Core citizens on a Proxima issued ship traveling in neutral space when they were attacked and boarded by the Centauri.

They have been in this Centauri prison camp for 8 months when this story opens.

This happens in the Fictional Universe of what I chosen to call the Twelve Worlds. Earth and Mars are the Core Planets, The inhabited moons of Jupiter and Saturn represent the Belt, Proxima and the Planets of the Centauri System are a third set of worlds, and there are a fourth family of worlds that I haven't worked out in my head yet.


Im watching Leafs-Jets on the tube. I'm proably one of the few hockey fans living in the southern US and perhaps the only person of color...but it is ALL GOOD. I love this game. 

2013 Schedule done

Just finished my one line blurbs for the 10 remaining stories to be written this year. There are 4 Twelve Worlds Novelettes and 6 other SCFI/Fantasy stories to be published.

All that being said (or written), tomorrow is a HUGE day. I've got to get over this internal editior flaw of mine and get some actual prose done.

Good luck to me...    

new "Waiting" cover

I've uploaded a slightly new cover of Waiting for smashwords and amazon. The latter is already posted on it's site. Smashwords distrubution partners ( Kobo, B&N, Itunes, and others) will be showing it anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks from now.

My reasoning is simple: I wanted to emphasize that this is one of a series (The Twelve Worlds)  of books in this same Sc Fi Universe when ever I have the urge to play in a soap opera setting. In fact my next release "Shadow of the Watchtower" will originate from Centauri space.

As of today I have two more stories planned for 2013 that take place in this same universe. One will feature Solaris- the daughter of Waiting's hero Trinity- in a heartbreaking endeavor. Another will involve an operative of the resistance that Trinity and Solaris' father Micah were active in during the heart of the Core's war against the Belt/Centauri alliance. I'm still working on the titles and covers so more on that as it comes to me.

Unless I change my mind (which I've been known to do) I plan to publish 4 or 5 stories a year from Twelve Worlds. I'll bounce around from time period to time period with each story. Whether it's the way to go about it or not, but writing from a dramatic POV is the way I'm going about this right now. If I truly wanted to make money I could try to create a series of ebooks with the sole goal of catering towards the masses. Hell, I could just request more OT at the JOB if that was the case. But yet, right now, what is in my heart is trying to push across to my readers the things that scare, disturb, bother, and trouble me. If I'm not tugging at your heart strings then I'm not accomplishing what my goals are. I'm not being true to myself.

Dang, I apologize, I didn't mean to go on this long...        

Busy Weekend

I worked on what will become my remaining ebook covers for the year. I'm getting better at it since I've learned how to incorporate both powerpoint and photoshop.

Tomorrow is REAL big. I'll start my second draft of Shadow of the Watchtower with intent to publish before the end of the month.

This story takes place in the same "universe" as Waiting.

I've chosen to call these stories as "The Twelve Worlds."

If you liked Waiting you may want to look for this ebook.    

Friday, March 15, 2013

I'm back. I can't believe that I'm back! I'm not sure where the energy and enthusiasm has come from, but I think it's legit this time. Anyway, more later...ALOT more later. Just got home from work last night. I need a little shut eye and then Ill share some things.